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Why does the pregnant woman Olivia Kolbo believe her child is a boy

the mom Olivia Kolbo She collides with him and offers predictions about her child’s gender.

32 years old, expecting her first child with the husband Christian McAveriSan Francisco 49ers star, participated on March 14th Tikhak The video is some of the symptoms of pregnancy, which are often associated with predicting the gender of the fetus according to the various “stories of ancient wives” – the traditions that, although they are non -scientific remain, are still popular.

The winner of the 2012 Miss Universe Competition – who is able to discover sex with a prenatal non -musical test, because she exceeded the first third in the first third – her child’s heart rate was not less than 140 and that she tightens salty instead of sweet foods, indicating that she expects a boy. However, I also noticed that she was suffering from morning disease, which is alleged to be pregnant with a daughter.

Olivia also showed more troublesome signs that she might expect a girl, such as a lack of headache, the high position of her newborn baby and acne, which she referred to by moving to the camera.

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