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Who are the editors of national newspapers in the United Kingdom? The full list of 2024

Daily Star Jon Clarak Editor is fulfilled nearly seven years later.

Instead, the title will contain the editor-in-chief of Daily Star Online- former Ben Rankin-while former Deputy Editor Denis Mann will report to him as an editor for the Daily Star and Daily Star Sunday in Print.

Find the full story about the Daily Star digital restructuring here.

Citizens of access to citizens, Express and Mirror also changed the editors last year.

Also last year, the London Free Business City AM, which expands its jurisdiction at the national level, assigned its former editor Christian May to return to this role.

Press Gazette collected a round of national newspaper editors in the United Kingdom as it stands (there is no specific matter). We will keep this list updated.

UK national newspapers editors

The Times

Tony Gallaghar was appointed as the Times on September 28, 2022 after the resignation of John Witherow the day before.

Gallagher was upgraded by the deputy editor, and was already acting as an editor of the assault for several months while it was with a medical leave.

Gallagr joined the Times in February 2020 of the title of the News UK the Sun, where he was a five -year editor. He also edited Daily Telegraph between 2009 and 2014.

Times Editor Tony Gallagher: UK national newspapers
Times Editor Tony Gallagher. Photo: UK News
Sunday Times

Bin Taylor was appointed editor of the Sunday Times on January 19, 2023, and he ascended from the deputy editor after News left Emma Taker to lead the Wall Street Journal as of February 1.

Taylor was previously an executive editor of the Daily Mail, where he worked for 22 years, before joining the Sunday Times as a deputy editor in 2020.

Sunday Times, Editor -in -Chief of Bin Taylor
Ben Taylor. Photo: UK News
Daily Mail

TED VERITY has edited the Daily Mail since November 2021, where it had already been at the mail on Sunday since 2018 and a deputy in the Daily newspaper the paper before that.

He is the editor -in -chief of post newspapers, which means that he bears a comprehensive responsibility for mail brands in a seven -day process.

Mail NewSwords Editor -in -Chief TED VERITY. Photo: DMGT
Mail NewSwords Editor -in -Chief TED VERITY. Photo: DMGT
Mail on Sunday

After promoting Verity, David Dillon was appointed to be the email on Sunday 2021. It was previously Verity.

Delon first joined the mail on Sunday from the Daily Express newspaper in 2001, where she worked as a news editor for several years before she was promoted to the executive editor.

The sun and the sun on Sunday

Victoria Newton has been the editor -in -chief of the sun since February 2020. She was edited in The Sun on Sunday since 2013 but took over from Gallaghar when he left the sun in the Times.

Newton maintained the responsibility for Sunday in its main role.

UK national newspapers: Sun Victoria Newton
Victoria Newton. Photo: UK News
Daily Mirror

Caroline Watson, editor-in-chief of magazines and supplements that have previously edited the Daily Mirror newspaper since the beginning of February 2024-starting on a temporary basis before it became permanent on April 30.

Waterston joined the Rach First (The HERINITY MIRROR) in the mid-nineties, and her roles included the deputy news editor and editor of The People, the features of Sunday Mirror editor The path of arrival, the editor -in -chief of national magazines including OK! magazine.

Waterston took over from Alison Phillips, who has edited the Daily Mirror newspaper since March 2018 and was the editor -in -chief of this title in addition to Sunday Mirror and people on Sunday February 2020 with a seven -day process.

Caroline Waterston, which will lead the mirror as an editor. Photo: Access
Caroline Waterston, which will lead the mirror as an editor. Photo: Access
Daily Telegraph

Chris Evans has been the editor -in -chief of Telegraph since January 2014 after the dismissal of Tony Gallagher. He has been with Telegraph since 2007, with previous roles including news editor and news head, after joining Daily Mail, where he spent 11 years.

Sunday Telegraph

Although Evans is responsible for the final liberation in Telegraph, Alison Heath has liberated Sunday Telegraph since 2017, after he was the former Vice Agent of Telegraph.

Sunday Telegraph Editor Alesster Heath. Photo: Telegraph
Daily Express and Sunday Express

Tom Hunt, formerly the editor -in -chief of Express, was appointed as the brand editor on September 20.

In the Daily Express newspaper, Gary Jones, who resigned six years later in this role, was used to remove toxins from the brand. The Sunday Express David Wooding editor left his own role after about two months When Express becomes a seven -day process without the Sunday Express dedicated team.

Before that, the search with Express was more than eight years, including video news editor, as he led his first video and news head.

Hunt said: “There is a great opportunity here and I am excited to take further, numbered and printed, especially with the coverage of the first months of the Labor Party in his position and we see a conservative leadership competition,” Hunt said.

New Editor -in -Chief Tom Hunt. Photo: Access
New Editor -in -Chief Tom Hunt. Photo: Access

Catherine Winner has been a editor -in -chief of The Guardian since 2015, when she was voted by employees to take over his duties from Alan Rusbridger. She was previously editor -in -chief in the American Guardian edition.

Cath Vinner
Cath Fenner. Photo: Editors Association

Lucy Rock was appointed as the printed editor of The Observer in December as a deal for the turtle media to buy the newspaper officially agreed.

The founder of the turtle and editor James Harding will be an editor -in -chief.

Former observer editor Paul Webster resigned in November.

Observer Editor (Print) Lucy Rock. Photo: Linda Nilend for the observer
Observer Editor (Print) Lucy Rock. Photo: Linda Nilend for the observer

Oli Daf, Editor-in-Chief I, has been running since June 2013, when he became the youngest of the 29-year-old UK newspaper-a title he kept today.

Journalist dates
I am the editor, Oli Duff
Financial times

Rola Khalif has released financial times since January 2020, when Lionel Barber, who spent 14 years as an editor, has left a editor.

Khalaf has been a Parber deputy since 2016, and included her previous roles in FT, the foreign editor and the Middle East editor. She joined for the first time in the business newspaper in 1995.

Daily Star

On January 28, 2025, the promotion of the deputy editor -in -chief of Daily Star Dennis Man was promoted to the Daily and Sunday titles, where John Clark resigned nearly seven years later.

Man will submit reports to the editor -in -chief of Daily Star online Ben Ranken, where the brand is subject to the first digital restructuring.

Read the full story here.

Daily Star on Sunday

Under the leadership of Clark, Dennis Man edits the Daily Star newspaper on Sunday and is a deputy in the daily. It has been played in the same role since March 2018.


Geordie Greig was appointed as the editor-in-chief of Digital-only Independent in January 2023, a little more than a year after his expulsion from the editor of Daily Mail. He previously liberated the mail on Sunday, standard and taller evening.

He seized the independent of David Marley, who has been a prosecutor since October 2020 when Christian Proton was promoted to the general manager.

Geoordie Greig |
Jordi Greg. Photo: Daily Mail

Free newspaper editors


Debora Arthur is the editor -in -chief of the metro in printing and online, as she took the initiative in a new joint process in March 2023.

She was the editor of from 2014 and a “cute update” for the brand that allegedly to print and online at the beginning of its mandate as a total editor.

Arthur acquired Ted Young, who was editing the printed newspaper for eight years.

Petrohro Dibora Arthur
Debora Arthur, metro editor. Photo: Natasha Pszenicki
Evening standard

The former GQ editor, 22, was appointed by Dylan Jones, editor -in -chief in the standard evening, shortly after editorial advisor.

Jones started this role on Monday 5 June 2023, becoming the first permanent editor of the news director in more than 18 months.

In front of him, Jack Livley was an editor on July 2022, and Charlotte Ross was Acting Acting in October 2021.

The last full -time editors are Emily Sheffield, who left in October 2021 after 15 months, and former adviser George Ospurne, who was in his position between May 2017 and July 2020.

Dylan Jones is appointed Editor in the Evening. Photo: Reuters/Susan Blancit
British GQ editor Dylan Jones. Photo: Reuters/Susan Blancit
The city in the morning

The former Christian Mai Christian May will return to the free job title after nearly four years at the end of August 2024.

Andy Silvertter, the former deputy of May, who took the same role, which was his last day on Thursday, July 18.

May described his five -year -old silver as an editor as “the happiest and more life of my life,” adding: “I cannot be more enthusiastic to join the team in CityM because he is preparing for an ambitious era of growth and innovation.”

Christian May, the editor of the returning city
Christian May, the editor of the returning city. Photo: City in the morning

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