What is the course of Solana Bay? How is different from the traditional Mimpol structure

Transactions, also known as “Mempool”, is a temporary storage area for Blockchain transactions because they are waiting for confirmation and inclusion in a block. The appearance of Bitcoin led to the introduction of the Mempool concept. The transaction is broadcast to the network and a temporary contract in Mimpol.
It remains there until the auditors confirm and include it in a new block. The transactions provided to Mempool are arranged based on their transaction fees, and transactions with higher gas fees are usually completed. This makes the bumpers give priority to the transactions with higher fees because they receive gas fees as rewards for the transactions listed in a mass of mines when added to Blockchain.
Mempools act as important ingredients for Blockchains, which you use. MEMPOOL guarantees the processing of all the transactions provided and confirmed by the auditors, with the exception of cases where the transaction is not valid due to incorrect signature or where the money portfolio has run out. MEMPOOL creates a market that allows users to choose appropriate treatment fees to process their transactions faster during the crowding times.
ETHEREUM and Bitcoin have a total of 50k-200K transactions in MEMPOOL. This often depends on the availability of Blockspace space, and most of the time leads to many bottlenecks in the network, such as low productivity and crowding in the network. The gossip is used in ETHEREUM and Bitcoin to publish memepools among the random nodes in a counterpart to counterpart.
There are more than 1000 auditors on Solana Mainnet and they can manage the Mempool size of 130,000. This means that with a network productivity of 65,000, 130,000 MMB is performed, and Solana can implement more than 4000 to 4,500 per second. Solana, high -performance Blockchain, is seen as Blockchain less than Mempool as it was designed from the beginning of not relying on Mimpol; Instead, it uses a different approach because it pays all transactions to a specific auditor for each opening, which has been marked as a leader. The leader is replaced by every 4 holes, and the leader’s schedule is previously known by all the active network contract. This solution, which Solana put forward, pays the transaction messages for temporary storage to the edge of the network and is called Solana Gulf flow.
Notes: Solana transactions should include a set of modern buildings, which developers can easily obtain using the API basic call. Solana Blockhash has up to 150 openings. It becomes old after this time, so the transactions that are dropped by the network will be dropped. This guarantees unspeakable transactions that cannot remain. A blockage of a block recently helps in repeated transactions.
The history of the Gulf flow
Since its launch, the GULF Stream has seen at least two important TOS Quic and Succeded. It is also a component of the main protocol that may suffer from the greatest pressure in recent years due to the huge increase in network movement on Solana. To put this in his right perspective, when the auditor assumes the role of the leader, they can expect a significant increase in the traffic received, and often exceeds GB per second, as the entire network sends the packages.
Initially, Solana relied on the UDP protocol to send transactions from the RPC node to the current leader. Although UDP is rapid and effective because of its lack of handshake, it contains large defects, such as lack of reliability in delivering data, arranging packages, and preventing duality. These restrictions have become clear during network disorders caused by DDOS attacks and random mail transactions, especially during high -order events such as NFT MINTS.
Solana merged the Quic protocol into the process of swallowing the auditor to address these challenges. Unlike UDP, Quic provides reliable data transfer with congestion control and built -in beam sequence, ensuring a smoother and safer communication between the contract. This upgrade has improved significantly from the stability and flexibility of the network, which prevents future disorders and improving the performance of Solana under high transactions.
The Quic protocol allows unseen fast communications such as UDP but with sessions and flow control such as TCP. Although the Quic Protocol has a low adoption rate in the Blockchain sector, it is not the solution that suits everything for Solana because the network still faces congestion concerns during many Quic handshake. In the midst of all flaws with this protocol, it contains some positives, since Quic is a safe protocol to connect the network that avoids the need to shake hands (TCP and TLS) and requires completing fewer beams. It can be durable after closing, providing faster access to data.
Quic may restore a session through flows and session tickets, which reduces the number of customer server communications and provides a quick and safe contact. It also supports contact deportation, allowing communications to survive for IP changes, making the mobile user experience more flexible. Quic also aims to reduce or reduce the impact of attacks such as DOS, restart, thinking, deception, and others. Although not all attacks can be removed, it aims to make the attack more strict. In general, Quic provides a more efficient and safe network communication experience.
The quality of the service is likely to participate
Solana Sourfated Qos is an application on the Solana network that allows leaders to determine and set the priorities of transactions that are implemented through the Staked interest as an additional mechanism to resist SYBIL. This mechanism was implemented in the Solana network in early 2024. In this mechanism, fighters with higher stakes in the network can transfer large transactions to the leader.
For example, eager with 0.5 % of the class can fight the SYBIL attacks from the rest of the network and transfer up to 0.5 % of the beams to the leader. With the quality of the likelihood of the service to participate, the fenced that holds a 1 % stake will have the right to send up to 1 % of the beams to the leader. In this way, auditors with higher risks are guaranteed to receive higher service quality, preventing low -quality auditors (with less on stake) from dumping these deliberate transactions, enhancing Sybil resistance in general.
The introduction of this mechanism had a major impact on the Solana ecosystem, with the appearance of the RPC infrastructure operators and its exchanges as devices benefiting from the main beneficiaries. RPC operators are well set to secure agreements with Staked health, which will help them achieve a higher percentage of transactions listed in the blocks. At the same time, exchanges or other institutions that host both the audited and RPC contracts can enable the feature with confidence in its systems, knowing that the RPC contract on its infrastructure is reliable.
The differences between Solana and traditional architecture
There are many differences in the Mimpol structure in Solana and Ethereum.
- in ethereum Blockchain, suspended transactions are held in Mimpol in general and are dispersed through the gossip of gossip through the contract until they are included in the blocks. Solana He does not have a general MeMwal. Instead, suspended transactions are paid to the current leader.
- ethereum Transactions require gas fees, with treatment priority are usually associated with gas price. Solana Transactions require a fixed base fee for each signature (usually 0.000005 Sol), with an option to include a priority fee to implement transactions faster.
- SolanaThe virtual auditor application also provides continuous production of the mass. The transactions come constantly to the auditor for implementation, then prevent production, and eventually the spread of transactions. on ethereumHanging transactions are suspended by authentication or prohibition facility before producing full blocks at 12 seconds. The manufacture of continuous mass means that priority fees do not guarantee a position within a block.
- ethereum It depends on external auctions such as mev-Boost, where fighters who can provide bids for space and miners can extract funds through MEV (the maximum extractable value). This auction type has a market share in the market (about 85 % of the network). Solana He has implemented the Block Sepian Block auctions outside the Protocol (JITO), which has a reduced market share (about 25 %). This reflects the differences in how Solana and Ethereum dealt with MEV and Blockspace auctions within their environmental systems.
In this piece, we explored the mechanism of processing unique transactions for Solana, focusing on the Gulf course and how it differs from the traditional Mempool structures like those used by Ethereum. Solana’s continuous production of the mass, fixed transactions, and the innovative Quic and QOS use of the likely to participate to improve the performance of the network and safety.