Kabadi’s players from Tamil Nadu, participants in a competition between universities in Petinda, Punjab, were attacked on Friday, according to reports. The battle erupted after the players were not satisfied with the referee’s decision, as it claimed. Athletic students from various universities such as Mother Teresa University, Periar University, Alaba University and Bharatiar University were competing at the North Inter University, Willon, Inn, Inter Kabadi (Women) 2024-25
According to a report in India todayIt was claimed that the athletes were attacked for the first time by players from a competitor. The report added that a “unpleasant attack” is called against Mother Teresa University during the match with the University of Darjanga, which resulted in a quarrel. The referee in the Kabadi match was attacked as a member of the Mother Teresa team after the outbreak of the argument after an appeal.
In a video clip that has become a viral on social media, the players can be seen clashing with a few men. It is not clear from the video, whether they are responsible or spectators. The chairs were also thrown by the two parties.
It is a horrific thing that exposed Tamil Nadu, who went to play Kabadi in Punjab. The attack took place during the Kabadi match between Punjab and Tamil Nadu. I urge the Punjab Prime Minister Bahajwant Man Ji to take the appropriate investigation and work on the attackers … pic.twitter.com/vizrg0esvn
– Devakumaar (Devakumaarofcl) January 24, 2025
Vice Prime Minister Tamil Nadu Adhianide Stalin said that girls are safe and will return to the state soon.
“There was a small incident this morning. I spoke to the director of physical education, Mr. KalaiaraSi. Now everything is under control. There are no major injuries or anything. First aid was provided to students. In order to stay at the Delhi house (Tamil Nadu House in Delhi).
#He watches | Chennai: “Kabadi’s players from the state who attacked in Punjab, says the deputy of Tamil Nadu, Vice -Audianide Stalin, says:” There was a small incident this morning. I spoke to the director of physical education, Kalararasi. Now everything is under control. … pic.twitter.com/c24krlgli
– Ani (I) January 24, 2025
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