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Up to 100,000 still work in Myanmar fraud centers – and not all victims, Thai police say

Despite a week-long campaign campaign, fraud centers are still along the Thai-Yanmar border working with up to 100,000 people working there, according to the High Police Command. ThailandOperations against fraud vehicles.
Thailand is striving to dismantle fraud centers along its borders, which is part of the Southeast Asia Network of illegal facilities that generate billions of US dollars every year, and often use people smuggled by criminal gangs, according to what it said. United Nations.
Based on the early evaluation of some of 5,000 people withdrew from the sprawling fraud centers MyanmarPolice, General Tachai Betyanilabout, said that the Miawadi area had voluntarily went there, and called for accurate investigations between citizens of more than ten countries to clarify criminals.
The Thai Police Gen. Pitaneelaboot, who leads the anti -trafficking business squad in Thailand and electronic Indian, is interacting during an interview at the police headquarters in Bangkok on Monday. Photo: Reuters

“Many people use Thailand as a way to infiltrate Myawaddy to find work, and this is not only the communications center gangs but also gambling online and other professions,” Tachai said in an interview.

His comments contradict large -scale reports that the Miadoudi fraud center workers were victims, and attracted to go there by criminal chiefs.

Jason Tower, an analyst at the American Peace Institute and an expert in regional fraud centers, said many people who traveled to Tayeb to areas such as Myawaddy were trapped in fraud.

“Many have gone a good mind, and they only discovered that they had been traveled at a later time,” he said.

Many former fraud workers describe they are trapped in vehicles, as they were forced to deceive strangers online to transfer large sums of money, and they often pretend to be romantic interests.

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