Time Data Series: It is not about what you said – it is about how he said

In my last post on the php Zmanim, I said the next thing I write is astronomy accounts. I am still planning to do this, but there is something that caught my attention, so I will talk about it instead. I am still planning to reach astronomy things.
Sivardi against Ashkenzi
No, not kitniyot. No, not how to hang mezuzzah. No, not if you have to use water challah or if the eggs are fine. I am talking about “T” voice in certain words.
It is considered:
Persis |
Percit |
Ki Citizi |
Ki Titi |
Tefis |
Tiffit |
There is more, but (if you read/speak Hebrew, or you are part of the Orthodox Jewish societies for any period of time), you will get this point. These two consequences have different ways to pronounce some sounds, and therefore, the English translation changes. Like any tradition, those who adhere to one or another can be excited to insist on “correct” use.
PHP Zmanim, on its own, using Ashkenazi-style translation. But this does not mean that you cannot change that and do this somewhat easily. In the next few sections, I will explain to you how to take the translations that are pre -existing for dates, holidays, and conversion addresses so that they appear in any way you want.
Step 1: Create your map
For the names of the month, the addresses of the Torah part, holidays, and more, the PHP Zmanim has a map of values. Let’s start easily – months.
This is just a simple set of values:
transliteratedMonths = ["Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", "Tishrei", "Cheshvan","Kislev", "Teves", "Shevat", "Adar", "Adar II", "Adar I"];
In order to “repair” this and use the translation you want (in this case, it is likely that “Teves” is only the one that must change), so you will first re -create the matrix:
$transliteratedMonths = ["Nissan", "Iyar", "Sivan", "Tammuz", "Av", "Elul", "Tishrei", "Cheshvan","Kislev", "Tevet", "Shevat", "Adar", "Adar II", "Adar I"];
Step 2: Prepare your calendar
For holidays, you will use the Jewishcalendar object (which we covered in the previous blog post).
First, we put the variables of the year, the month, and today, and we create a Jewish evaluation object:
$year = 2025;
$month = 1;
$day = 10;
$jewishCalendar = Zmanim::jewishCalendar(Carbon::createFromDate($theyear, $themonth, $theday));
Put everything together
Next, prepare the PHP Zmanim format and then pay the new translated months to PHN Zmanim:
$format = Zmanim::format();
Finally, we take this directing this coordination to a variable:
$zmandate = json_decode('"' . $format->format($jewishCalendar) . '"');
return $zmandate;
The result will be10 Tevet 5785
And yes, if you wonder, in 2025, today’s numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) in the month of Tevet and January.
Happy holidays!
Holiday translation is similarly processed, even if there are some slight differences.
Start with the same initial preparation for history and the evaluation object:
$year = 2025;
$month = 1;
$day = 10;
$jewishCalendar = Zmanim::jewishCalendar(Carbon::createFromDate($theyear, $themonth, $theday));
After that, we will set vacation translation in the same way that we did months ago:
$transliteratedHolidays = ["Erev Pesach", "Pesach", "Chol Hamoed Pesach", "Pesach Sheni", "Erev Shavuot", "Shavuot", "Shiva Asar B'Tammuz", "Tisha B'Av", "Tu B'Av", "Erev Rosh Hashana", "Rosh Hashana", "Tzom Gedalyah", "Erev Yom Kippur", "Yom Kippur", "Erev Succot", "Succot", "Chol Hamoed Succot", "Hoshana Rabba", "Shemini Atzeret", "Simchat Torah", "Erev Chanukah", "Chanukah", "Tenth of Tevet", "Tu Bishvat", "Taanit Esther", "Purim", "Shushan Purim", "Purim Katan", "Rosh Chodesh", "Yom HaShoah", "Yom Hazikaron", "Yom Ha'atzmaut", "Yom Yerushalayim", "Lag B'Omer","Shushan Purim Katan", "Isru Chag"];
Next, prepare the PHP Zmanim format and then pay the new translated months to PHN Zmanim:
$format = Zmanim::format();
Finally, we use calendar information and (if it is a vacation) to obtain the output:
$zmanholiday = $format->formatYomTov($jewishCalendar);
echo $zmanholiday
It will look like this:
Ten Tiffit
Note: For those who are not familiar with, “Tenth Tevet” (or “Asarah B Trift”) is a quick day, and it has a special set of celebrations.
What is in the name?
It deals with our latest example with the translation of the names of the Torah parts – whether one of them makes the first part of the “Persis” or “Pershet”. For this, PHP Zmanim uses a set of pairs of major value, where all you have to do is change the value and leave the key on its own.
Here is what it seems without change:
$this->transliteratedParshaMap = [
Parsha::NONE => "",
Parsha::BERESHIS => "Bereshis",
Parsha::NOACH => "Noach",
Parsha::LECH_LECHA => "Lech Lecha",
Parsha::VAYERA => "Vayera",
Parsha::CHAYEI_SARA => "Chayei Sara",
Parsha::TOLDOS => "Toldos",
(and so on. I'm not printing the full list here)
(Here are the amendments to the Church (Sephardic):
$transliteratedParshaMap = [
Parsha::NONE => "",
Parsha::BERESHIS => "Beresheet",
Parsha::NOACH => "Noach",
Parsha::LECH_LECHA => "Lech Lecha",
Parsha::VAYERA => "Vayera",
Parsha::CHAYEI_SARA => "Chayei Sara",
Parsha::TOLDOS => "Toldot",
The use of this inside the code follows the same style that we created with dates and holidays.
Before we start coding, it is important to note that you must make sure to use the “Persha” category with your code:use PhpZmanim\HebrewCalendar\Parsha;
It is also important to know that PHP Zmanim will come out only the Torah part if the date provided on Saturday, so you may need to take any specific date and find next Saturday (or the previous) in order to obtain the right result.
Once these elements are treated, you begin to create the calendar object as it is with our other examples:
$getyear = 2024;
$getday = 26;
$getmonth = 10;
$jewishCalendar = Zmanim::jewishCalendar(Carbon::createFromDate($theyear, $themonth, $theday));
Create a new translation variable (note that this is only partial.
$transliteratedParshaMap = [
Parsha::NONE => "",
Parsha::BERESHIS => "Beresheet",
Parsha::NOACH => "Noach",
Parsha::LECH_LECHA => "Lech Lecha",
Parsha::VAYERA => "Vayera",
Parsha::CHAYEI_SARA => "Chayei Sara",
Parsha::TOLDOS => "Toldot",
After that, we prepare the coordination and then pay the translated new matrix:
$format = Zmanim::format();
Finally, we use the evaluation information to seize the right Torah dose that we want:
$output = json_decode('"' . $format->formatParsha($jewishCalendar) . '"');
Echo of directing will give us:
What is more to say?
For some, all of this may seem unnecessary to work for some spelling differences. For people who have not spent much time in groups where different Jewish cultures are mixed, it may be flammable to know how enthusiastic people feel about these things.
Now, remind me again of the “appropriate” way to pronounce GIF?