The three symptoms of the common eye condition, as Alan Car admits to fear that he would “lose his eyesight”.
Alan Car revealed that he “loses his eyesight” and needs to obtain a “disturbing” action for the hospital.
The 48 -year -old Chat Chat revealed a recent healthy intimidation, as he was told that his eyebrows need to be drained due to excessive pressure.
The comedy actor had to undergo a treatment that included a height in his narcotic eye.
“The loss of my optical is the worst thing, and I can feel worse,” he said in Podcast,.
“My eyebrows need drain – they have a lot of pressure.”
Alan also revealed that he got a stagnation – a common eye condition that means that your eyes are more like a knee ball. soccer.
This means that light focuses in more than one place in the eye and can lead to a foggy vision.
He jokingly said: “I kept telling people that I had a stigma, like the wounds of Christ. Over over, Alan.”
Alan’s intimidation at the Mourfields Hospital of Eyes, where he was told that he was mistaken in his eyes – “a lot of pressure.”
The interior design preserved his shock when doctors told him that “relaxation” was raised while height was raised from the cornea.
“They said,” Just relax, Alan, focus on a rise in your eyes. “I thought,” Sorry? What? “It was surreal.”
“I hate something glaucoma, when they do the air line in your eyes. I announce something wrong in my eyes in the cornea. I was very worried.”
He had to suffocate me mainly because this air that was in my eyes was too much. In Moorfields, they anesthetized the eyeball, then the height came to the lens to see if it was working. “
What are the signs of astigmatism?
The main symptoms of the Estatamism are listed by the MOORFILDS Hospital of Eyes as follows:
- Lack of clarity and distortion of near or distant things
- Headache when trying to focus
- Tiring eyes
The condition usually develops in early childhood or when she is in adolescence.
If the high -childstone argument develops in early childhood, this can cause a lazy eye.
The exact reasons are unknown, although he believes that genetics play a role.
But astigmatism can be treated – with glasses, contact lenses or laser eye surgery.
The type of treatment, which is better for you, depends on the intensity of the astigmatism.
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a chronic eye disease that destroys the optic nerve and can lead to visual loss.
It is caused by fluid accumulation in the eye that increases pressure and destroys the optic nerve.
As Alan mentioned, the glaucoma is usually tested during the routine eye examination, and an optical specialist can usually discover during the standard eye test, and often before any noticeable symptoms appear.
For this reason, it is often referred to as the “silent killer of vision”.
Although the symptoms in the most common shapes of blue do not develop until the condition progresses, the signs can be determined in an earlier stage, which leads to important management plans to play in play that slow down the development of what could be a devastating condition.
According to Optical Express, more than half of those who live with glaucoma in the UK are still not diagnosed, which endangered their vision of great danger.
If left without treatment, glaucoma can eventually cause blindness.
Optical Express emphasizes the importance of routine eye exams every two years or more frequently for those at greater risk, such as individuals over the age of 40, and those who have a family date From glaucoma, or people who suffer from other conditions such as diabetes.
“Groceries can be dangerous if leaving without treatment,” said Stephen Hanan, Optical Express Director of Optical Express.
“Glaucoma does not always offer clear signs, which is why regular eye tests can be very important. A comprehensive eye examination can detect glaucoma early, often before any loss of sight occurs, and allows immediate treatment to prevent more damage.
Alan Car’s openness about his experiences is an invitation to wake up to all of us. Eye health is often ignored, however it is vital for our comprehensive quality of life. By defining regular examinations, you can protect your vision and eye health, and to capture conditions such as glaucoma before it has an irreversible permanent effect. “
What can cause blurry vision?
Blurry Vision cannot detect the fine details in the organisms, even if they are close.
Causes can include benign factors, such as eye fatigue, side effects of the drug, or external bodies in the eye.
But if the blurry vision is progressive or suddenly it is unclear, it may indicate something more dangerous.
Causes of unclear vision include:
- Age -related macular degeneration – a common condition for eye in people over 50 years of age includes damage to the band, which affects the central vision of the eye.
- Glaucoma – a condition that causes vision loss as a result of damage to the optic nerve.
- Eye lens domination – ottering of the lens in the eye, the cataracts can gradually lead to a glow.
- Diabetic retinopathy – complications of diabetes when the blood vessels of the retina are damaged.
- Corneal erosion – as a result of eye shock, such as a small scratch on the cornea.
- Eye infections – a foggy vision can occur as a result of eye infections, such as conjunctivitis
- Neurological conditions – vision changes can be a sign of nerve conditions, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or brain bleeding.
- Migraines – foggy vision can be accompanied by migraine headaches, along with allergies to light, nausea and vomiting.
- Infrazes-Palace errors (nearsightedness), hyperactivity (long vision), astigmatism (irregular cornea), and seven (a problem with age associated with age) are all common but controlled causes.
If you encounter unclear vision, set an appointment to see an optical specialist.
Source: Moorfields Hospital for Eyes