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The remaining members meet in Nirvana at Fireaid, including sudden singer

One of the most absolute events of Fireaid tonight-before its completion-was the appearance that resembles the guilty of the remaining members in Nirvana on the stage together playing the songs of the band again. The squad included the drama player Dave Grohn, guitarist Kristen Novoselik, the rhythmic guitarist has been for the sect and a round font that includes St. Vincent, Kim Gordon and Joan Gate, each of them interferes with the late Court Cubin. But it was the last front body that brought down the house.

When the band prepared its last song, Novoselik went to the microphone and entered Violet Groh, the daughter of the 18 -year -old drummer. A modernity should be sure, but when it was launched in the opening ropes of “all apologies”, it became completely something else. The younger Grohl has retreated to a hypnotic version of the classic tone now with confirmation of its age.

The Teen played with the band in the past, most notably in the art of Elysium benefit in 2020. Grohl performed the “Nirvana Founded Box” alongside her father, Novoselic and Chail in Hollywood, ADEM. But this diminishes compared to keeping it together while performing a loved melody with rock icons in front of a global audience. The most surprising is that her father was able to keep him together while watching his daughter at all in the theater.

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