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The new German Nazi protests: The main city of closing with the Competitive Protectorship Square World news

The topic is strongly discussed.

Cities full of civilians were targeted on both sides, with London, Hamburg and Coventry, the goal of the big bombing.

Those who argue that the attacks were a legitimate demand that the industrial volume of rotation and civilians in the production of weapons made major areas of legitimate targets in the military industry.

Others argue that targeting the morale of the civilian population will pressure the German government to submit and thus save more life than it has taken.

However, many believe that the bombings were not justified and claimed that the conditions of war, with Germany, were declining, making the city settlement indifferent and doing it as a way to take revenge on the military necessity.

Some also claim that the types of bombs used, some of which are burning and some of them in time control devices, are designed to provide secondary explosions with the start of rescue efforts, meaning that this attack was a war crime.

Victor Greg, a prisoner of a British war in Dresden in 1945, who lived through the city’s allies bombings, described the beginning of the attack in the Guardian in 2013.

He said: “With the fall of the burnings, phosphorous clung to the bodies of the below, and turns them into human torches.

The screams of those who were alive have been added to the screams of those who have not yet been hit. Meshaal was not needed to lead the second wave of bombers to their goal, as the entire city became a giant flame. It should be visible to the pilots a hundred miles. ”

“I still suffer from the memories of these terrible events.”

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