The head of Channel 4 says that the habits of Gen Z News causes “enormous issues”
CEO Alex Mahoun said that news providers should quickly adapt to access to the Gen Z fans, who consumes information in a radically different way about previous generations.
Mahoun pointed to a new research that analyzed the habits of news consumption and views that included 3000 people, and found many of those between the ages of 27 years who do not have completely different habits from the video display than the elderly, but they are also more likely to lack democracy.
The UK adults spent more than five hours a day watching the video in 2024, where YouTube represents 34 % of viewing time-up to 64 % for children from 16 to 27 years.
Those between the ages of 13 and 27 (known as GEN Z) have been found with much higher confidence in social media publications (58 %) compared to 28 to 65 years (37 %). This younger age group is also more vulnerable to social posts shared by influencers (42 %) compared to those between the ages of 28-65 (8 %).
Gen Z consumes “individual and personal” news conclusions
Mahan told the Royal TV event on Thursday: “For General G, the social video was a basic cultural compass. But it was individual.
“Through personal extracts, they not only see different information from the previous soil and certainly from their parents, they also never see the same things as their peers.
“It is important to emphasize a clear fact: they will not return. Young people will not adopt the behavior of the older generations with their age. Just as I will not start going to stores to buy a material newspaper, Gen Z will not stop watching YouTube or starting their information from News in Ten.
“However, the way Gen Z gets their information is to create tremendous problems for them. The combination of the extended plasticity and the flow of personal information had deep effects. They grew up with access to huge amounts of information. But reporting them, in essence, is a matter Personal choice, not a common understanding.
“General Z faces the increasing uncertainty in who and what he trusts, and fights to reconcile the issues of bias, neutrality and truth in such an environment saturated with information.
“They are showing a pattern of confidence in the media,” spinning “many of the older generations – that is, they collect information on a large scale, evaluate friends, influencers and traditional media alike. There is no hierarchical sequence to verify.
The young British are more likely to be in favor of military rule
The research said that the way GEN Z consumes information that may affect several factors about its view of the world, including:
- 52 % of children between the ages of 13 to 27 believe that the UK “will be a better place if the strong commander is responsible, parliament or elections” or elections “for 40 % from 40 to 65 years old.
- Less young people believe that democracy is a “good” or “somewhat good” method for UK management (73 % versus 90 % for older generations)
- Young people are likely to think that the UK will be a better place if the army is responsible (33 % compared to 18 %)
- Young people are likely to consider “the complete way that our society is organized must be radically changed through the revolution” (47 % compared to 33 %)
- They are likely to have a “individual vision of the world” as someone means the loss of someone else.
Mahoun said that the research made it clear that many people “are struggling with the idea of the truth itself. It is difficult ever separating the truth from the imagination.
“In short, the way Gen. Z learns to judge the truth, imagination and fairness with their age may become the distinctive issue of our time.”
She added: “What are the dangers arising from all this? Be limited by introducing writing, printing the press and all technologies since then.
“But I claim that we are now in a stage that we need to think more directed about the risks. Because Gen Z arranges their understanding of the” truth “in ways that exacerbate the sex section and undermine the value of democracy.”
Mahaoun argued that the “huge amount” to watch Tiktok in the elections in the United Kingdom and the United States means that consumers were getting “fragments, not details” and that public youth get news “in excerpts and shapes.”
She added: “It is important to remember that there are four ways that the change in consumption affects the statute of what is consumed: the short form means less details; speed means less context; moves of algorithms faster to the highest feed. Individual viewing reduces the social upbringing of destinations Looking, which reduces the possibility of interrogating radical or socially devastating views.
“But this environment does not give Gen Z tools or knowledge to explain and move in the world. Decision and understanding often requires the details and the context that takes more than 30 seconds to explain. What is not surprising, that Gen Z feels less and less able to trust what they read or see.” .
The news industry “You must think more” than just adapting the content content
Mahoun said that the United Kingdom still has a time to “resist the slide into an American news quagmire.”
She said that service providers must adapt to what they do: “First, we have to change quickly how to make things, where we publish them, and how we promote them … networks to their networks, and they are always entertaining and accessible. All this while working to keep neutrality “.
Although service providers, such as 4 news channel, have already made a “huge amount” of working to build “thumb stopping content” different from broadcast packages, we need to think more than adaptation.
“The global platforms are dominant”, and they are not classified as publishing companies, and they can change their algorithms at any time “to brush aside, or our production exceeds the news in favor of the news consisting of a person’s living room.”
Therefore, I suggested that the TrustMark brand be presented as “an indication of realistic and reliable accuracy of the content that appears from regular media from a professional point of view”, so platforms and users can see what has been created by journalists who follow the editorial symbols they carry.
She also said there there The organization must be In order for public service media to be prominent through social platforms using their algorithms.
The media bill has already provided legislation to make content such as the BBC and ITV and channel 4 easy to find smart TVs. She is not just a principle on social platforms, but to ensure that public media can make money as well.
Finally, Mahan said that the impact of the Importer IQ needs to take into account, indicating that artificial intelligence companies can have to pay in exchange for licensing the content of their large language models and focusing on the approved public service content.
“We can go further and think about it for the transparent data that it publicly funded is subject to independent supervision and verification, this type of data as an entrance added.
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