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The colorful movie “Man of the Dog” is guaranteed to attract young fans

The creative team behind the “Dog Man” series knew that they would stare in the mob before adolescence if they are linking their furniture.

The creation of Dav Pilkyy helped many children in love with reading.

This means that “Dog Man” transmits the appearance, appearance and mood of books as well as any movie. Adapting greatly adapts to the plot, and it is likely to be a lost point for young people. Their parents and their guardians will laugh more than they expect.

And if you have to ask, “Why“You did not crack” Dog Man “yourself.

“Dog Man” begins with a short origin story. A policeman and his best friend of dogs suffer from serious injuries in an explosion. Doctors must save their damaged bodies.

Vola, the dog was born!

Yes, it is a little total, but let’s not be talking about “Robocop” comparisons.

Soon we learn that the work of the Dog Man Police is to talk about the city, which draws the anger of the city’s main villain, Petey The Cat. It has been expressed in an interesting way by Davidson’s house (does he have any other position?).

What a lost opportunity to photograph the lips from A-Litter colleague.

My Betty is Lex Luthor to Dog Man’s Superman, and we have shared more than most of the plot, if not all of this conspiracy. Dog Man spends his screen in an attempt to clarify Petey, whose ability to get out of prison is extremely important to the story barely.

Add Pete’s Clone, a wonderful cat called Li’l Petey (Lucas Hopkins) that steals every scene with his gentle voice and emotional behavior. Awwww.

We also got acquainted with FlipPy (Ricky Gervais), a fish -like creature that is treated in the third semester of the film.

“Dog Man” is proud of a painting and style that brings books “to a glorious life. The impressive effect is never distorted, sometimes closer to a good relationship. This style corresponds to the chaos of the movie without shame. It is smart and ridiculous, sometimes doubles or doubles three times on the latter .

Nothing is supposed to be taken seriously, but the writer/director Peter Hastings offers a sudden number of noisy moments for young and old.

She is also a family friend, despite the edge that indicates that it may deviate in the PG: 13. Nothing does.

We get a fast -like gag and a car called “Sniffer”, but this is as much as anger goes. The rest is clean and easy to digest.

It is very bad that the third verb lacks anything similar to focus. It is the Battle of Royal that you don’t know when to resign. This is “Dog Man”, not the next “Avengers” story.

Fast truth: DAV Pilkyy has been diagnosed with hyperactivity disorder, attention lack and dyslexia as a child. Uninterrupted, grew up to a selling author. The “Dog Man” series has more than 40 million printed copies.

Lil Rel Howe gives the best performance as president, angry Dog Man President. Chief’s flirting with local news correspondent (ISLA Fisher) is so troubled that it could have been left behind completely. It tends to, and may have had a subcontinent to dismantle comic chaos.

Jevias is fine like Flippy, but given his comic genius, you were hoping to play the role in the Robin Williams template. Then again, what can anyone do with a semi -mechanical fish with supernatural powers? It is a difficult sale, regardless of how to cut it.

It is not the case with “Dog Man”, which is a fictional hero for Pilkyy who should satisfy loyal readers and their sick parents.

Miss beaten or queen: “Dog Man” brings with sincerity the ridiculous super heroes from some kind to the large screen, as well as designing its raw characters and Light aspirations.

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