The chief artificial intelligence scientists in Meta shares his opinion about Deepseek’s success

Yan Lacon, the chief artificial intelligence scientist in Meta, presented his Deepseek success in the artificial intelligence industry. According to Lecun, the largest point that must be seen in its ascension is to see it to keep the open source artificial models so that everyone can benefit from it. The Chinese AI company recently launched the Deepseek-R1, which is characterized by better thinking and problem solving, which competes with industry pioneers such as Openai.

artificial intelligence, Firing On January 20, he has great features, as the tests showed his exceptional capabilities. Regardless, Deepseek provides training parameters under the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, allowing world -class researchers to study and improve the program.

Lecun male The company’s success story is not related to the position of China at the forefront of the United States in making artificial intelligence, but ensuring that open source models are still at the forefront. He said that it does not mean that Chinese artificial intelligence “outperforms the United States”, but rather that “open source models outperform the owned models.”

The chief artificial intelligence scientists in Meta discuss the success of Deepseek

Deepseek shares the same feature with the Llama model created by Meta, both open source. Their competitor, Openai, which was originally created as an open source artificial intelligence company, has since tried to transform its mission to create technology that would benefit all humanity. This step has caused many legal differences, as Elon Musk, one of the former executives and shareholders, requested that the court prevented its transformation into a profitable institution.

According to Meta’s chief artificial intelligence scientists, Deepseek has open sources and open research, noting that it was the idea that some people made and chose to build on it. “They reached new ideas and built them over the works of others. He said to be:” Given that their work is published and open, everyone can benefit from it. “This is the power of open search and open source.”

While Deepseek R1, the company stated that the system shows a great thinking capacity, which was apparently tested. The company indicated that it is trying to overcome the limits of open source artificial intelligence. In its paper, the company also highlighted that it had made the system because it wanted to explore the capabilities of artificial intelligence to develop its logical capabilities without using the data subject to supervision.

According to Professor Ethan Malik in Warner, the responses obtained from Deepsek R1 are very similar to human thinking. Meanwhile, there is a issue of R1 to provide issues to artificial intelligence companies in the United States, as both China and the United States were competing for a period of time. As Trump arrives at the White House again, the competition is expected to intensify. However, competition is not the main concern, as the artificial intelligence model shows that China will greatly challenge major artificial intelligence companies in terms of development.

Silicon Valley was surprised by Deepseek

The launch of the Deepseek R1 model and the Silicon Valley was surprised, as it occupied the lead in technical discussions in a week that witnessed various events including Trump’s inauguration and his first few crowded days in his position, and the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland, and the Tiktok cutting and restoration service for users in the states United.

Days after Deepseek revealed its model, the CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg announced plans to spend more than $ 60 billion in 2025, as the company is preparing for a major investment in artificial intelligence. The head of Meta was a very frank supporter of open source models, so he went to the extent of supporting his rival, Elon Musk, in his endeavor to prevent Openai’s move to profit.

In September 2024, Meta CEO stated that he wanted to build the next generation of open platforms. Zuckerberg indicated that he hopes to achieve it during the next 10 to 15 years, stressing that the open platforms must win. He added, “I think this will lead to a more vital technological industry.” It has been welcomed by making technology open source as the best solution, as it allows anyone to modify and redistribute symbols, and in this way technology is rapidly developing in a democratic environment.

However, supporters of the closed source system also argued with the advantages of models, noting that they are safer because the symbols remain special. In his case, Sam Altman, CEO of Openai, stated that following the closed source approach with the company provides them with an easier way to reach the threshold of safety. However, he mentioned in Ama on Reddit that in the future, he may try to open more things.

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