The Administrative Justice declined a request to comment urgently on the L’A69, the disputed motorway that should be approved in 2025 Toulouse and Castres, appreciating that the procedure is not necessary pending a decision on le fond prévue en février.
“The referring judge does not suspend the actions of l’A69 because the case may be jugée +au fond+ by the tribunal the mois prochain, the project in the cause does not produce the très peu d’effet concrete d’ici là »The court issued a statement, rejecting what was reported again from more than one associations and groups that oppose this path, which it considers “From another time”.
“The influence of the hymn, in those time periods, becomes very limited.”for the tribunal and their communication, all the same «Environmental impacts on the raw materials produced at the global hammer level».
In this decision, this decision gave rise to a risky financier advanced by the promoters of the A69, such as the state or the builder Atosca, then “Implementing the conditions for suspending the concession contract and marketing the business during implementation, in addition to the insurance amount, which is applied on the basis of an additional amount in millions of euros.”.
“When the state, or the concession, is tolerant of too many choices, and, conversely, when the desire to respect the right to the environment is based on some generosity.”written by Thomas Digard, La Voie’s collection of exhibitions is free.
Pour Louie, Le Gouge “Bear in mind that a month and a half of hymn cannot avoid a great effect, and therefore there is no reason for suspension, but at least fifteen minutes of excellence over a similar period. It’s very easy to take care of the environment in five weeks »Quoted by Agence France-Presse.
En revanche, les préfectures deux départements concerné par l’A69, le Tarn et la Haute-Garonne, repellent mardi dans un communication commun qu’“After 22 months of work and six urgent consultations called by the Administrative Court of Toulouse, the judge determined, in a consistent manner, that the conditions for suspending calls were no longer new.”.
Liverison fins 2025
Solicited by the AFP, in a parole from Atosca Souligne qu’« Operating at more than 65% and mobilizing more than one million businesses, it will help businesses achieve the delivery target at the end of 2025 ».
Another A69 party, Chairman of the Tarn District Council, Christophe Ramond, made this decision “Reaffirming additional legitimacy for the A69, supporting every foundation for life.”.
Last January 13, in front of the public, opponents of A69 were demanding suspension “urgent” du chanter, denonçant les Effects on the environment « Lords travaux prevus » In the coming weeks.
The Collectif La Voie est libre et d’autres associations avaient presenté ce recours après la réouverture de l’instructions contient les autorisations environnementales du chantier, decided on December 9 by the Administrative Court of Toulouse.
This decision is available and qualified“buzzer” Through associations that, after a month of success without success in this section of the 53 km highway, there will be an opportunity for a repeat, when the General Rapporteur issues a statement to cancel the license of the chant, at the public hearing on Le Fond le 25 November.
The new public on the field could avoid the situation before the end of February, after a prior calendar is issued to opponents by the Administrative Court.