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Stephen Soderberg compares Trump to the evil movie

Stephen Soderberg misses the old Hitler.

I told “Sex, Lies and Video Edition” that Fario Pine trees for President George W. Bush.

God, it seems that the era of George W. Bush is now like the Golden Age. Who would have thought that we will find ourselves, we hope that things would be so simple?

The Republican President has been criticized for Hitler’s period of time throughout the White House. Kanye West told a fans of Teleteon that Bush did not do it. “Blacking black

This was news for African countries He received billions in help From President 43.

Soderbergh shared this thought and more during a variety of questions and answers related to his latest movie “Black Bag”. Michael Fassnder excitement stars as an intelligence officer charged with investigating his wife due to betrayal relations. Kate Blanchett, Naomi Harris, Pierce Prosnan, Rigi Jean -beige.

Soderbergh shared details about the movie until the warrior prompted the conversation in modern politics.

All this excuse he needed to get rid of President Donald Trump.

… we are now where our ideas develop about what this office means. We have to ask ourselves whether these traditional prizes are “good man, bad man” real. We have someone in this office often corresponds to the behavior that we call the villain in a movie, right? However, he was elected by many people. It makes you wonder if we have this error. Do people go to the cinema and roast the wicked, and we only pretended to be incorrect?

Sudberg did not burden the former president, who hidden his dementia from the public, handed over the Afghanistan to the Taliban and waged a war against freedom of expression on multiple fronts.

You may deal with the upcoming diversity chat for these issues.

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