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“Snow White” eyes of $ 100 million worldwide opening the box office

Disney feature takes in 1937 Classic Ton snow white In the end, the theaters after the wavy of the tormented tablide, in the face of the controversy in a non -proportional in a manner. Home looking to land between a 45 million dollars -50 million dollars Open with another 55 million dollars outside.

The amount of $ 270 million is reported, as social production was subject to the capacity of Latin lineage, Rachel Ziegler, in the leadership role, which pushed back against criticism, in addition to the explicit observations of the actress about the original movie and the calm of Donald Trump and his supporters in November. It is believed that some of these feelings are present in the ether, which led to ticket sales, and Disney led to the first global show on Saturday that excluded the prevailing press from the carpet (although they were placed on the full magnificence before the crowd).

Marketplace is starving for success, and there is a spring vacation audience with 25 % of K-12 school outside Friday for every Comscore. It is currently about 5 million dollars after a short window for two weeks after offering it on the sale, which is directly behind it Kung Fu Panda 4, We were told, (which opened to $ 57.9 million) and then Dombo (45.99 million dollars), which is the opening of many snow white It will drown towards. If this movie is more than that, it is with the Latin film pioneers and the family. Currently the image is solid with girls 6-11, teenage girls 12-16 and clarification 17-34. The good news is that the family company Saturday and Sunday is looking for work; Not only twilight The teenage girl crowd is going to watch the Zegler-Gal Gadot movie. The review of spoiled tomatoes has not yet arrived.

In the United States, pre -approval is seized in 4,200 theaters with inspections starting from 2 pm on Thursday. snow white Playing abroad in France and Korea begins, especially on Wednesday; Followed by Germany, Italy, Australia, Brazil and Mexico on Thursday and China on Friday. In companies, Cinderella He bowed to $ 74 million (including $ 22 million for China), while the small mermaid has opened to $ 68 million abroad.

Disney was here before: They were shot with Haley Billy poured into Little Mermaid. This film has achieved well in the United States with 3 days at a value of $ 95.5 million, and a local of $ 298.1 million, but abroad not only fleeing 48 % of $ 570 million worldwide. Other scenarios Disney faced a controversy that took a movie as a box office damage Star Wars: a single story. The change in filmmakers did not sit months before the launch of Lord and Miller to the old goalkeeper Ron Howard with fans, and he remained throughout the way to the opening of the weekend. In addition, Aldeen Ehrenreich is not a dead outlet for Harrison Ford.

With the permission of Rlje Films & Shudder

It was also opened at the end of this week, David Zaslav Greenlit Barry Levison, the movie Robert De Niro Twin Gangster, Alto Forsan, Who is looking forward 5 million dollars It is aimed at older men in 2500 theaters. The film, Red, will start the shows at 3 pm on Thursday. RLJE/Shudder’s Flying Lotus Firk Flying Sci-Fi Movie ash It is starring Isa Gonzalez as an astronaut who wakes up to find its entire crew dead. Aaron Ball also stars. The world was shown for the first time in SXSW, followed by the first show on La last night; Either way to receive applause. ashIt was filmed in New Zealand, was booked in 1062 theaters. ash The show time starts on Wednesday at 5 pm.

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