Sharon Fong named the head of the temporary competition in NBCU

Exclusive: NBCuniversal has made a wide range of changes to its executive ranks this week and there is more in the future.

The deadline realizes that Sharon Fung has been called the temporary head of the non -common content in the area of ​​competition and the game after the departure of Korea Hinson.

It will lead Vuong, which is EVP, programming and alternative development, the team that oversees a series like Got Talent and The Voice. Henson EVP, the unlawful content, competition offers and games shows, NBCUNIVERSAL Entertainment.

You will work closely with Rachel Smith, EVP, non -common content, lifestyle and documentary films, which worked alongside Hinson on the lifestyle and reality at work.

One of the sources also told the deadline that the easiest way to determine the two teams is that the team that now leads Fong is deals in cash prizes, where the Smith team does not do (unless love is calculated as a prize).

Vuong joined NBC in May 2020. The current development and current led to the incomplete formats including real competition, talent competition, games shows via NBCU entertainment, which has so far included NBC, Peacock and Cable Networks, although some of This will change with SPINCO on cable networks like E! And the United States of America.

It is also responsible for bringing two forms of the most successful broadcast in NBCU at Traitors and Love Island. Traitors, Alan Kuming is currently hosting it in his third season and was already renewed during the fifth season. Love Island, Meanwhile, it broadcast its sixth season last summer and has a number of tools.

The team also includes Jenny Ramirez, SVP, an alternative, unprecedented alternative programming, Shilby Shafttel, SVP, a non -joint series, developer and Christina Edwards, Vice President, the current series and development.

Vuong joined CBS, where SVP was alternative programming and worked on a chain, including Survivors, the amazing race, the older brother and Secret trainer.

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