
Ruby Franke’s daughter, Shari Franke, says she fears her siblings will die

August 30, 2023: Malnourished children found

Utah State Police received a call about a child found hungry, she shared in a news release. The minor – who appeared “emaciated and malnourished” with “open wounds and duct tape around the limbs” – was taken to hospital in “serious” condition.

He was later identified as a YouTuber Robbie FrankieThe 12-year-old’s son, according to a probable cause affidavit obtained by NBC News. He was at Robbie’s business partner’s house Judy Hildebrandt He got out the window before going to a neighbor’s house to call for help, according to the document.

Police then searched a nearby home, where another child was found “in a similar physical state of malnutrition” and was taken to the hospital as well, according to the news release.

Authorities later explained that they discovered Ruby’s 9-year-old daughter “petrified” while sitting alone in an empty closet in Judy’s home, according to evidence released by the Washington County Prosecutor’s Office.

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