Pokémon Tcg Disaspointment becomes large for players
Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket has launched its expected new commercial update, but it has increased disappointment instead of contentment.
The launch of the Pokemon TCG trading feature led to the anger of the players beyond their primary disappointment to update One week ago. They shared their concerns about social media about the trading feature, which is hiding behind excessive restrictions and complexity.
Trading requires two distinguished elements in the game that the player gets while playing, unlike Wonder Pick and Feather Booster Packs. The first is commercial endurance, which restores its value over time. Players can purchase it with real value Poké Gold.
However, it is the other element, commercial symbols, which made things complicated for players.
To trade cards with a 3 -diamond scarcity, players need commercial symbols. 120 symbols of the Mas 3 and 400 card for one star card and 500 for the diamond card, which is a former Pokemon.
To earn commercial symbols, players need to sell their own cards. Players receive 25 symbols of selling the Mas3 Card and 100 icons for one star card and 125 symbols when selling the Mas4 Card. Equal Crown Gold cards for 1500 code.
Players must provide five Pokémon before allowing them to trade in return. To exchange one star card, players must give up five cards at the same level of scarcity. Both the wide requirements of trading features and high costs for players have angrily.
Players find that the Pokemon TCG trading system is greedy and exhausted
After reading on the trading update, one of the users called him an insult and exchange his ideas in Reddit mail That received more than 2000 UPVotes. Then adhere to spending more money on the game.
One user Described The system is “ridiculous” because it makes sense to stop the robots, but “it is absurd to burn two overwhelming cards to be able to trade only one of 4 diamonds.”
Pokemon TCG has created the trading system to unify the player’s community, but it failed at multiple levels and instead pulled the players through a stressful process. Players need an investment for several minutes to move in the menus because completing one trade requires 15 seconds for each stock exchange.
Another user Reddit He said The trading system is a predatory structure that depends on the transformation rates of very greedy trade code. “This is not sustainable at all. If you want to trade in this game, it is better to buy a lot of packages and continue to purchase it.”
According to many users, the main purpose of the system is to enhance the purchase of Microtransction. This is because trading cards of two stars or higher are not allowed, and players must use real funds to help complete their floors.
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