Pavel Dorov, from Telegram, granted a temporary leave from France, amid a lawsuit

Pavel Duru, founder and CEO of the Social Media App Telegram, allowed him to leave France amid a continuous judicial case with the French authorities. According to what was reported, the Russian billionaire, born to Dubai, was leaving the French region for the first time since his accusation last year.
Telegram founder of freedom – solving the issue?
In August 2024, French law enforcement officers, Pavel Dorov, were arrested at Le Burgie Airport, near Paris, citing non -control of the telegram. Within four days, a businessman in the famous technology businessman was officially charged with reducing illegal activities on telegram, including terrorism -related content and pornography materials for children, despite the vast base of users on the platform in excess of 900 million.
Dorov’s arrest has sparked widespread discussion among Internet users, which raised concerns about freedom of expression and the extent that social media platform owners should bear on user activities. Soon after his detention, the CEO of Telegram was released on bail of 5 million euros ($ 5.6 million) but was banned from leaving France.
According to Modern report Under Agence France -Presse, a French court has now approved a temporary vacation for Dorov that allows the defendant to travel to Dubai on March 15. It is still not known whether the founder of Telegram has resolved the charges of the Prosecutor’s Office in Paris, but a source he did not poison, says Durov allows him to spend some weeks outside France.
Tons Foundation praises Pavel Freedom
The “temporary” version of the highly esteemed technology character has been received by the digital community, including many encryption lovers. It is worth noting that the Telegram messaging application has boldly ventured in the Blockchain space over the past few years. In 2018, Telegram developed Blockchain Open Network (TON) group, which she intended to use to launch her cryptocurrency gram.
After organizational issues with the US Securities and Stock Exchange Committee (SEC), the Telegram Command transferred Ton to an independent community of developers. However, the social media application remains integrated with TON and allows Toncoin to use payments as well as hosts of many Web3 applications.
Comment on the Paville version, TON Foundation Absolute A statement says:
This news represents a great moment of the decision. With nearly a billion users worldwide, Telegram represents a global movement committed to freedom of communication and the privacy right to privacy. As part of the decentralized TON community, we stood in solidarity with Pavel, and supported his fixed dedication to defend the right to freedom of expression and privacy online.
They also added:
We offer our deepest gratitude to our society, the broader technology industry, and all the defenders of freedom of expression who were voting in support of the Baville.
After the news of Dorov’s departure from France, Toncoin (TON) increased by 20 %, and reached a peak of $ 3.47 before trading by $ 3.46.
Distinctive image from Le Parisien, tradingView graph

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