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Massive popular mobilization for Alice Weidel – Republican Resistance

Alice is spending 19 hours on holiday in Hamburg (the city of La Schulze Cant Mer). It started after a 27-minute delay, due to a very impossible, counter-attack appearance. I do not think that Soros and ses gros soient soient derrière tout ça. Do you have any history?

The salon of the hotel in this city! People are waiting patiently because, well, there’s a huge waiting list to get in or participate via the big screen outside!

15,000 people in attendance, as is the case for Trump at least, even Japanese TV is a no!
Hamburg or Socialism, Peter Tschencher (ci-contre). Unbelievable that this meeting was authorized!

The evening begins with a tribute to a socialist named Helmut Schmidt, who was also a Hamburger and a man of free speech. This is what AfD is all about! Alice Weidel
Begin your speech declaring that violence is not a political matter…on the contrary, wing…it is a meaningless rhetoric, like a psalm paraît un modéré à côté d’elle!

This little article is the fruit of the collaboration allowed by the modern world between Alice Weidel, who is filmed by German television in Hamburg, and Sylvia Burdon, who looks at all the current events and sends texts of photos and comments to Christine Tassin. . That met in the form.. The beautiful ouvrage, such as my grand-mère!

Sylvia Bourdon and Christine Tassin, with the help of Alice Weidel, as well as her adorable son, make sure she finds out if the French Resistance is interested in three years.

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