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Little Political Commissar Schneiderman in the war against the “Charles” – the Republican resistance

The 80’s have had two types of media personalities.

From the Canal+ School, and Canal+ from André Rousselet, Lancy series Equally Le Beauvoir’s Socialism pWe are completely abandoning the popular classes by draining the progressive popos and the big cities.

Shame Jan Barthes It’s the same time this summer.

The other school, vomiting 80 years ago, It is the cell of the junior political commissars at the “World” School. De edui plinil : Schneiderman This type is saved.

In fact, when Philip Cohen and Pierre Bien exquisitely directed “The Hidden Face of the World,” the two-parter “The World,” Plinel and Schneiderman made the knot and went out, round in round, the “reference journal.”

After “The World”, complete your donation “ Mediapart » Addressed to aujourd’hui par la calamiteuse Carine Fouteau (form in the sponsor magazine “les Echos”)…

After Le Monde, Schneiderman, Lowe, Fondy «Stop image«, prompt Today because of racism Supporter of materials (format in the public service, in “France 2”).

He is the one who tells you everything, the diversification of which he asks you to give up, he also asks you to reconcile him in order to frapper ses mauvais the coups: Schneidermann receives an invitation from Médiapart, in a Plenel bag.

The reason for commenting on Schneiderman’s latest books, Le Charlésme », Without any ability, I stand at the moment of the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo massacre:

Automation of the table: Schneiderman évidemment, a judge similar to the Judicial Syndicate, Magali Lafourcade, Bobo de Beau Quartiers Parisiens, “victim” of the Bataclan, Denovo ER Sock, Hint from “Médiapart”:

The sinister plateau is an attention-grabbing feature.

They don’t want to surprise us, but the lecturers surprise us.

-Bur SchneidermanIn order to obtain the attribute, These are the questions that are responsibles, with support for Israel, for terrorism in France.

They are united by this true view that Muhammad began in blood more than a century’s massacre of the Jews (in 628) before the pursuit of the Arabs: there is no longer a new state in the modern era.

Pour lafourcade, This is the extreme law, regarding the stigma of Muslims, which is responsible for terrorism.

Deja Todd DI have developed this kind of interpretation, if you believe that this is Catholics living, through racism, responsible for Islamic terrorism.

It’s just that he likes to search for the bloody nature, the superiority of Islam: we are accustomed to it, and this is what we practice in “Figaro”…

-Venons-en-au-coeur-dujet, Schneiderman’s book against the “Charles”…

Schneiderman lamented that the young Charlie, who had reached 70 years of age, before, on the contrary, was “better advanced,” “before” Islamic colonialism in France, or the atmosphere was one of indifference, a futile policy.

But that’s not all about Schneiderman: Presumably because of Charlie’s violence the next day.

The current “Charlie” is disgusting to yourselves because he attacks the “controllers” of Muslims!!!

Oh, my God, the Muslims are the “controllers” in France, the “controllers”!!!

We can also demand whether the majority of Muslims are not mentally ill, and extremely masochistic, when young Algerians are the first to come to France, so that they do not say so.


It is our duty to realize that thinking about a little “control” in our lives, when “white” is in violation, in our original Mother Saint.

At the moment when Islam imposes terror on France through a continuous series of rapes, mass massacres are committed (Bataclan, Nice), Schneiderman stands in a position of “bad thinking” (sic), resisting, and defending “the dominant.”

The type that can be accepted is the revision of “Charlie Hebdo” who lives in a Parisian building, under the protection of a movie that might cause a massacre, and it is Schneiderman, who appears as a friend, protector of mistakes, of the “controller”!!

What’s more is plain, Who “dominates”, the Charlie Hebdo-style caricature that Schneiderman was entertaining in the video or in a revision of Charlie on the same ground, in Paris to an unknown address?

This is what makes people happy. This is the location of the screen in France.

This type of video format displays the maximum value of the media, which means that the media category needs to be posted at the age of 90, the total screen of the “extreme-droite” (sic) en Belgium.

And the plates and other calamités, which please, at the same time, do not use the Organizer, “at temps”, a tel system in France and “it is hard to do” for the day…

Pauvres choux “bad thinking”…

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