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Like toxic presence, Trump everywhere. Including my treatment room

The treatment rooms are often seen in the age more clearly. While other spaces, such as bars or cafes, allow informal observations of human experience, the intimate relationship in the treatment area allows the expression of the deepest ideas and experiences that humans face.

My client Emily recently told me: “I don’t see the point of life on this way.” Emily was not suicide. In fact, she was in a relatively good psychological health but began to feel despair and despair since Trump was re -elected and returned to the White House.

President Donald Trump has become a growing topic of conversation between therapists and patients. credit: Bloomberg

She said that she felt a level of existential despair, a feeling that her life plans had completely deviated from her path and that any hope for a better life for herself, or even a future for humanity, has ended.

Emily, gay, watched the cancellation of the rights of gay people in America with horror, fears the risk of similar incursions in Australia. She was also upset with how others refused her fears.

Many of my most socially aware customers, especially from the disadvantaged identities, have had feelings similar to Emily since January. I also have. Perhaps it was only parallel to the wide-ranging despair during Covid-19s, although despair has been compensated by the desire that things improve and believe that things will soon return to “normal”.

This time, the comprehensive despair feels, and it is characterized by feelings of uselessness, indifference and despair. In many ways, this is not surprising. Humanity suffers from a clear urine crisis with many forces that coexist to put our collective and individual receptors at risk-changing climate, fascism, technological obstetrics, geopolitical conflict, escalating costs, fixed abolition of civil rights and freedoms-especially for those who are marginalized.


Certainly, we have faced similar conditions before, but this is the first time that we face these threats with easy access to technology and global interconnection that makes it possible that what is happening in remote corners of the world will somehow affect us, even if it is only economist.

in Donald Trump’s serious condition: 27 psychiatrists and mental health specialists, main evaluation, Dr. Jennifer Contrazino Bangna, an American psychologist, wrote about the increase in anxiety among her customers during the first period of Trump, noting that those historically marginalized were affected by greatly, as they had more than fear of his harsh policies.

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