John Stewart says the daily show will be “pleased” to host Elon Musk

John Stewart had some of the things that she tended to be launched during today’s episode of Daily presentationThe treatment of all of his injury from the previous week and Elon Musk claims that it will appear as a guestIf the show is not edited“
He offered his finger on the camera and joking that the small pieces – since it was corrected – “almost fell an old man”, Stewart revealed a copy of the Sippy Cup of the “Mest Dad” Cup of the most of last week.
“I am not allowed to get large cups anymore,” he said, adding that there is a “actual meeting” with the safety department of the parent company. “No more ceramic for Mr. Stewart.”
Stewart said: “I thought about that, and after a week of prayer with my family – well, he put a family, put the family hall … I thought,“ Hey, this is in fact that the interviews that take place in the studio are usually not edited. ”Therefore, we will certainly be happy. I don’t think this network [Comedy Central] It makes any other programming, so that we can do everything we want as long as we turn before the new season South Park, any It comes out like May or June of 2026. “
The host also addressed Musa’s claim that “More than propaganda than it seems” and “He is very in his ways. He used to be more than two parties.”
“So I’m a game, I think it will be a very interesting conversation, but then I reviewed X once again I saw another tweet from Elon because, no, you could not, then he said … “John Stewart could not be reliable” and I am propaganda. “
He continued, “Once again, the man who designed his dark dark hat he wears to photograph in the Oval Office with the president who spent $ 270 million to elects he believes I am just my party.”
Stewart will be fine with any of the result, but he kept “Can we just drop the pretend that you will not do it because I do not measure the standards of the neutral discourse that you ask and offer at all times? Because, in full frankness, this is embarrassing,” raised the audience’s chants loudly.
It comes to the topic of Stuart this evening with the catastrophic meeting between President Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy from Ukraine, during which the usual criteria for diplomacy are disintegrated. During this part, the comedian explained how the incident was a surprising coronation of the Republican Party’s plan, which was started by the senior strategic adults at the White House Steve Bannon, because “Trump and the Republicans like Putin are better.”
In criticizing Maga’s claim that Zelinski was striving for World War II Emilia Perez, That won the best original song for “El Mal”.
“Everything looks better if the other other option you offer to us is the Third World War. You can listen to Emilia Perez Frityle composer is another verse in the Academy Awards – or World War III. In the end, you will agree to hear another verse, with hair. “
Watch the episode below: