Hollywood news

John Kozak celebrates the burning of Tesla agents

“I gave her my heart and gave me a pen.”

John Cosak’s line in 1989 “Saif Any” captured its role in the role of Hollywood. Think about “Sure”, “One Crazy Summer”, “Better than Mitt” and “Sixteen Candles”.

His character has strengthened Lloyd Doppler in “Say anything”, carrying a boom box on his head, and fixing him.

Today, Cusack works intermittently and spends a lot of Raging on X.

Al -Aqsar Al -Aqsar, 58, turned his attention to Elon Musk, the informal head of the Donald Trump Trump initiative. Musk was assigned to connect corruption and incompetence in the government, and plays a great goal to return the billionaire.

Cusac cannot be happier about the latter.

Consider his latest book x post Hering on the saboteurs who have been burning Tesla agent in recent weeks. Or, the star image that refers to Musk is Hitler 2.0.

John Kozak Illon Musk Hitler -2

John Kozak Tesla Burning-2John Kozak Tesla Burning-2

Cusac, frankly, supports the burning of EV agents because it does not agree to the political positions of the company’s owner.

Let this drown, along with the hypocrisy of the clear climate change.

Cusac of some companies. The comedian Bill Bohr repeatedly refers to Musk Kanzi. The star of the “old fathers” hinted that the American army should do anything about it.

Far-Left soldiers on the left may be happy with commitment.

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