How Finance Le Paris de Zelensky?

Europe has its own jilliards in transit, Europe is confronted by a flame at the price of energy, and Russia is harming the country.
The decision of President Zelensky does not allow a contrat of cinq and perfettant in the Russian gas in the UK to make it easier for the gasoline in the European Union to enter a list of the measures of Paris by the Universities that are considérablement réduit the security Energy and gravel port at home.
And also the uraine adopted the decision of the euor and the units of the unit for their electrical and counting ‘no Russian’.
This quantity and croissant of Russian petroleum products is due to the turkey and inde, puis transformée and rev l’ue, so that the amount of 5 milliards of annual dollars (0.22% of the Russian pip of 2 184 milliards) de dollars in 2024) Providing natural gas transit through Ukrainian gas stations with an impact on 240 jliards of petroleum gas deleted from the Russian Federation. Don’t worry about the environmental impact of a billion dollars (0.56% of 189.83 billion dollars per dollar in 2024) during the transit year and that’s the daily delivery in the country ” Europe has a natural gas price, no question. The UK’s education is in Otan, so it’s worth it to Russia.
Non-Slovak Republic and Hong Kong are responsible for the repair of the repair, as well as more damage to mortars and in-use destruction, upgrading the risks of the world’s troisième and not having a reactive surface. guerre.
Comme on Pouvait S’y Contens, Les Agissements of Slovaques Dirgeants and Hongrois ont Zelensky Colère, which is related to the dependance of these pays for energy supplies. The Hong Kong country has 70% of petroleum consumption. This month, the Slovak Republic placed the petrol and gas cylinders through the uraine to keep a large part of the electrical system connected to the transport system.
It doesn’t help that Zelensky’s decision to install the gas station in Slovakia in Russia has caused the Slovak president, Robert Fico, to enter the country’s online sports compilation. It is the most important reason that the president is a expert in telling people what part of the electrical product in Slovakia has proven their origins in the gas that depends on the nature of the gas in Russia.
The house of the president is due to the series, which is more than 73% of the thermal energy production that causes attacks and which depends on the electrical current for 19% of the electrical express. The audio vision is still vital to the screen for the defense of the world and for civil society, which is confronted by the graves of the electric children at the end of the day. Il Confient of our new year, Les Principales Sources D’Arepymentation d’électricité de l’Uraine étaient la pologne, la slovakie, la Roumanie, la Hongrie et choldavie.
il s’Agit d’One station classique à la “catch-22” [allusion au roman éponyme de Joseph Heller pour désigner une situation où l’on se retrouve pris au piège de deux conditions contradictoires, NdT].
LA GUED DE BEC ENTER LES PRÉIDENTS FICO AND ZELENSKY EST nepisode le major de la énergétique saga suscitée par la guerre entre l’u et les états-universaires et russie d’Autre part. It is said that a natural gas price flambé is offered, but it is not the case that the most recent connection to the energy security and the Environ 1 500% comes from a bonus price during the walk. That Europe pays better December 2021 .
Contradiction, Malgré Les Hourtions Concraser l’économie Russe, Moscow A Continué of Bénéficier d’Une énergie abondante et Marché, et a engistré assustances à commes de l’ue et des états-uns. In effect, the long pip, the croissant pass by 3.4% in 2022 and 0.4% in 2023, and the pib in 2024 will not reach 0.9%. en particulier, L’Alemagne, Pierre Angulaire de L’Aconomie de l’ion Union Européenne, son of VU PIB DE 0,1% EN 2024, fossil des énergies, et qui, combinedes à la compression des counts fossil Rous Marché, Ont Port a coup sévère à Great economical, great constituency..
By consequent, if the payment of prices on a été une ubaine for the benéfices of natural gas furniture in Americas that are to combler a part of the écart, elle a gravement nui à to the économie de l’uport. Although Ukraine and Europe do not allow other people to touch anyone in the country and Russia, and their homes in Russia. Consequences of direct funds and funds, including old days, American consumers and regrises on a plate with more billions of billions of dollars than natural gas in Europe, please accept more money for gas. natural american.
The Croats of Russia’s pipes have an impact on hours and later in 2022, reduced to 1.2%, until 2024. Toutefois, EN 2025, modifications and factors, including those found, Please let me know The Russian pip is 2.5%. Pendant CE Temps, these units, Beaucoup Plus dependants on the energy plan, on their pip increase of 2.5% in 2023, puis of 2.7% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, according to reports .
And now, if the findings are found sans aucun doute un in fact on the economy of Russia, this will have an impact on the point that our experts are available to us and the Russians are not completely affected by it.
The president doesn’t know who the Russians are as men and don’t know what to do with the Slovak country of Russia. It is the first place to be opened by the fait that the united states continue to perform their pressure when the ugraine connects to the countryside. In a recent video posted on Facebook, click on the caption: “I comprend the scenes of the Uraine, One Troisième Guerre Mondiale. » Tout en appelant à la fin de la guerre, fico a jouté:« il faudra bien qu’iL y une une forme deselects. à quoi s’attend-on? What do Russians say about the crime, Donbass and Louhansk? This is the complete translation. There are no words that tell Zelensky’s benefits..
It is the penser que Zelensky ignored the peu d’effect que sa dernière aura sur la russie et l’ristion de l’effects qu’elle aura sur l’Europe. Outside, like the electrical outlets and the Uraine in order to ensure that your voices are not allowed by any transit destination, the measures provided by the zelensky assembly are fortified with the content of the conduit before it arrives. That’s right.
Mike Fredenburg Travail De Puis Plus de 30 Ans dans le Domaee de la Politique de Défense. SES articles are published in numbers, including The California Political Review, The San Diego Union Tribune and National Review.
source : Statecraft Administrator, Mike Vredenburg01-09-2025
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