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Intelligence is not what you think is

Intelligence is not about remembering facts or in good condition in the tests. It comes to living a life where you can prosper. This means that you are in good health and financially safe. You may be great in solving complex mathematics problems, but can you solve your well -being?

When we focus a lot on the degrees of intelligence, we miss the important skills of interest. Skills such as sympathy, flexibility, creativity and self -awareness. After all, no one cares if you register at the top of 1 % if you are not happy every day.

Think about that. If you cannot get what you want, such as great health, wealth or strong friendships, your high intelligence is not useful. The smartest person is the person who knows how to convert knowledge into real results.

Therefore, let’s change the focus. Don’t worry about your intelligence degree. Instead, ask yourself these questions: “Do I live a life that fits with my maximum value? Do I make people’s lives around me better? Are I waking up to today?” Your answers will tell you these questions about your intelligence more than any test.

Intelligence tests measure certain skills such as mathematics, patterns and language. But it does not measure the most important thing: creativity. When I conducted an IQ test, it was part of it to appear. I wanted to know if I was “smart”. I rub my high degrees on everyone’s face. But if you are really smart, do I need to show off this?

A few years ago, I asked a smart friend for advice to improve my intelligence degree. They suggested books on memory training, numbers and mental exercises. The brain is like muscles. These books were useful, but they needed a lot of mental effort.

In the end, I realized that I did not care about rapid mathematics or identical to patterns. Computers can do this well. What I really wanted is creative reinforcement. To be more creative gives a greater return. If you are creative enough, I can create machines to do difficult accounts for me.

The only benefit to improve my intelligence number was to persuade people. But getting a high intelligence rate did not help me get dates. Book authors wrote books through creativity. These are true great intelligence tests.

How do you really experience intelligence?

“The only real test of intelligence is if you get what you want from life.” ~ Ravent Maritime

Last year, she created “Rickfyne”. It is a different type of dictionary. I made it after seeing that regular dictionaries only give mysterious definitions. They do not explain what you can actually do with concepts. The “Operations” dictionary gives practical definitions based on what you can do.

The same unclear definitions that people sometimes use to mislead you. They say things like “Just Be confident”, “Just be like James” and “Just Be patient”. But the problem is, if you do not know what these things mean, you will be treated as you are stupid.

It does not matter who is his mistake. The solution is simple. You have to meet people when teaching them. You have to study their level of understanding at that time.

Define teaching as breaking the subject until your student understands it.

For example, telling someone “The first step is to create a website.” For someone who knows how to create a website, it’s easy to do this. But for someone who does not know how to run a computer, they will not understand. There are different layers of required knowledge.

There are different layers of knowledge between you and your goals. There are layers of knowledge behind being attractive, wise and confident.

There are different layers of knowledge that make a smart person. I will share this with you.

Depths of class intelligence

Let’s take a look at some interpretations of terms. You can find more than 120 of them on the Ridefyne website. It is free.

Intelligence is the extent of someone learning. It comes to the speed that a person picks up new information and skills.

Let’s take a look of a layer of knowledge under intelligence.

to learn.

Learning is when new procedures appear in the same position. This is the definition of learning.

If you show you a red card and hit you, you will learn. If you offered the red card again and moved away, you have learned.

If you do not duck, you will not learn.

This is what learning is. Do not watch 200 video clips on YouTube or read 100 books per week. These can give you ideas to change your behavior. But the important thing is the new behavior itself.

Intelligence is how quickly you learn. “How many times have you been exposed to the same situation before changing your behavior?”

If the Jack and James The Red Card shows, Jack Ducks after 10 slaps. But James ducks after 30 slaps. This means that Jack is smarter than James when it comes to ducks.

How to increase your intelligence:

There are only two ways to become smarter.

1. Improving your next vision. It allows you to improve your vision better. When you can predict the future, you can make smarter options today.

Improving your ability to see what may happen after that. This helps you learn faster. You can do this using mental systems, models and leverage.

2. Do more: Repeating the process allows you to see what succeeds and what does not succeed. You can try different ideas and see the results. More repetition allows you to make better decisions.

If you are slowly educated, do more. For example, if it takes 20 trying to learn something, make 100 attempts while others do 10. You can outperform it through hard work.

If you can do two things, you will not be stopped. You will be able to achieve anything you want.

I have explained more details on how to increase your intelligence in this article:

The article explains how you can become smarter, even if you are not born genius. It gives simple steps that anyone can follow to get more intelligent over time.

Therefore, I will not repeat anything that you do not need.

Intelligence tests may show the speedy solution of puzzles, but they cannot say whether you are building the life you want. True intelligence revolves around how quickly you adapt, grow and use in each lesson to reach your goals. Creativity, insight and continuous improvement more important than the testing degree. In the end, the smartest person is happy with what they built.

If this article turns your point of view, imagine what the weekly dose can do. Jo. Disclore your email here:

Enjoy the trip. The real genius continues to learn.

~ Praise

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