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Incompident Games: Is Nintendo really the best control unit ever?

Which better control unit? (Metro/Sony/Nintendo)

The “Tuesday messages” page tries to imagine what Nintendo will do for Splatoon 4, where the reader celebrates the French from Clair Dubbort: Expedition 33.

To join the discussions yourself by Ga*********@me***.uk

The interesting celebration of the eight anniversary of the founding of Nintendo Switch and how we can think about Nintendo Switch 2 in a similar period of time. I will not try to predict how things will succeed, because how can anyone know, but I am interested in the idea that the Nintendo key is the best control unit ever.

I am sure that this will get a reserve for some people, who do not like the fact that it does not have the best graphics, but for me, the front contestants are switching, Snes, and PlayStation 4. For me the question is whether the key is specially special as a control unit and in the game assortment.

It may not contain Elden Ring or Red Dead Redemption 2 or anything else, but multiple keyboards contain those, so they are not truly associated with a specific possibility (in addition, the key 2 is likely to get it at the end). So on this basis, the fact that the control unit itself is very innovative, I must say, yes, the key may be the best control unit ever … so far.

Comprehensive generalizations
Adening as another person was unable to give the face around the Monster Hunter, but it is very happy with the quality of the new game. The rich and stable Capcom is confident Capcom, it can withstand the risks, and we have already started to see them doing it with a new onimusha and you can argue other things like the Ghost Trick Remaster.

I am sure we all got our favorite Capcom privileges that we like to see (Ghosts’ N Goblins and Dino Crisis for me!) But it seems that it may actually happen.

I also can only compare the difference between what a company like Capcom does when you get a surprise and the disgusting amounts of Microsoft and CO. It was recently thrown, none of them led to anything that will not have these companies anyway. 75 billion dollars and we are still not a complement to Blinx: The Time Sweeper.

Zut Alors
It is good to see that Claire Gambia: Expedition 33 is to maintain the tradition of Indy games with a terrible name that you can not either say or spell (yes, you copied and paste it). Aside from it, I really like the look of the game and I hope it is good throughout the way.

What I like about this is that it looks very French. Everyone is concerned that Ubisoft will be subjected, but I don’t think they are doing it because anyone who really loves Ubisoft really, it’s just running out of publishers, and they are another one of us.

When was the last time Ubisoft made anything that appeared or felt French? The last Rayman game 12 years ago? I will say if they go because of what this means for independent gaming companies, but not because of the things they are doing already now.

Send your comments by email to: Ga*********@me***.uk

Serious suggestion
I see that Rockstar games return to bed with La Noire maker but I am not sure that this is a really good idea. Don’t understand me wrongly, I would like to see a kind of kind, or anything from Rockstar not GTA or Red Dead, but for me, no Noir was an ideal example of a badly good idea, and I will put most of that to the developer.

The story was terrible, and the game did not need to be open, and guessing whether people were lying based on what they were doing with their own eyes was just ridiculous. I love a serious, serious movie in the form of video games, but I cannot imagine the La Noire maker that offers it, regardless of how good technology is.

Give her, by all means, but I will be more confident if someone else is doing it. Unfortunately, I think the old GTA writer, Dan Hoser, was the best person for this position, as Wikipedia told me that he was only an executive product in the first match. But he is now left, and it is a shame.

Reasonable decision
Don’t understand me wrongly, I love Hideki Kamiya and his toys, but I was shocked because he continues to get the work. As much as I can think of his only real success is Resident Evil 2 and that was in the 1990s (not something that most people link to it).

I noticed that the story was asking Phil Spencer to re -scalebound, not the other way around. Perhaps this will happen, but I think the reasonable work decision is to decrease politely. However, if there is one thing in the past few years is that Phil Spence has no commercial meaning at all, this means that the chances of returning to Scalebound are good. So yay?

Call of Inklings
Nice article on the eight anniversary of the Nintendo Switch program and the possibility that Nintendo is able to repeat the same trick. I think it will be almost the same as the popularity. You may lose a few people of the matter look very similar, but with the fall of Xbox and PlayStation did not make any new friends I do not see it is not equal to things.

You are also interested in the switching failure menu, which are Pokémon and Splatoon 3 very ambitious. As I indicated, it was still very popular in Japan, but I am sure that Nintendo has noticed it was not good in the West. Therefore, I wonder what their reaction to that.

Will Splatoon 4 be greatly different from others? It seems that this is unlikely to look at its popularity in Japan, but how it makes it look like a big step if the multi -player type is what it is.

The only way I can see is to try to follow the Call of Duty approach and make the story campaign look more important and distinct. But this does not hit me because Nintendo is very good. The background in Splatoon is strange and has a lot of momentum. Indeed, how serious you can take a plot that includes people after the end of the world?

I am not really sure of the answer, except perhaps a kind of third situation that focuses on cooperation. Run salmon is great but very short and abstract. There may be something shared with zombies more than that, and I will be interested in seeing what they are trying.

We must return
I hope this new Pokémon game is good, but after the last two or three I didn’t have much faith. I feel almost that the entire series should reach a return to Mago. Trying to re -perceive games as Big Open World 3D Worlds will only not work with Tech Game Freak Tech low -grade.

Even the most modern 2D games, such as let’s Go, Pikachu! , It looks very bad and low technology. If they cannot deal with modern drawings, they need to look at an alternative. A type of two -dimensional artistic style that looks like painted graphics or something like this – may be able to make it look like trading cards. Anything that does not resemble cheap technical assets from some 3D Pack. My hopes are not high though.

The collapse of sympathy
BFG is not completely correct. I appreciate the time and effort made by some Devs game in their shows, I don’t care who they are. I could not name more than two people involved in the game industry, MIYAZAKI For Dark Souls and Kojima for Metal Gear and I’m fine with this. I really don’t stay Kojima.

I do not care about what they are going through for their jobs, just as I do not care about what is happening in making films that I enjoy or the music I love. The background runs the world in one way or another, the fighting club was a documentary film about this exactly.

Like most of the world, we just enjoy our vacuum time, when we get some. I don’t want to see credit scroll for only 20 minutes until 1000 people feel appreciated. I always go beyond credits in games and movies unless there is an achievement to do so. If this is the case, I will let it run and take a short distance until it ends.

Devs Game may have a difficult time for a short time, but to be honest, they are not surgeons or air traffic monitors. If Devs makes a mistake, the personality can fall across the ground or that the pursuit is not implemented, then this is not the end of the world.

I realize that if people do not cord the games, I will have less, but if the games are not something you will not know better either. It is a profession that people take to know the long hours and the unfair conditions they may face, but it is not forced.

This may seem miserable, but we are all in the same boat. Under the estimate and reduce value every day, this is what it is. It is the way we deal with what matters.

GC: Certainly not forced work if they are all demolished.

Inbox also
I just bought FORSPOKEN for 5 pounds. I reached the conclusion I was over 6 pounds.

All this excitement for the skiing Tony Hawk Pro skiing, but was anyone really suffering from Remaster from 3 and 4? There is a reason because they did not make number 5. I will be more interested if it is a completely new game.

Send your comments by email to: Ga*********@me***.uk

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