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Inbox Box: What will be Nintendo Switch 2 battery life?

How long will the battery continue? (YouTube)

The Fried Letters page is concerned that Sony is encouraged to be satisfied with PlayStation 6, as one of the readers is curious about FODED’s review degrees.

To join the discussions yourself by Ga*********@me***.uk

Life shorten
I know that there are many questions that have not yet been answered about Nintendo Switch 2, but one of them did not see him even once is the battery life. I’m sure someone, somewhere talk about it, but I am already concerned that it will be very bad if Nintendo is trying to make the console more powerful.

We hear a lot of stories about the third party’s support for the console, which makes it look like it will be a big step, but the problem with this is that it will take much larger battery energy, as it is larger and a brighter screen. We all want a more powerful control unit, but if this means that it will continue to work for a few hours in the mobile mode, I don’t think it is worth it.

That is why I am not sure of what Xbox and PlayStation plans with a hint in portable areas. I am not aware of any significant improvements in batteries recently that will make the console more powerful and not draw much strength. If the key does not last at least three hours at the same time, then it will be a disaster.

Negative success
I have seen a lot of criticism of the gameplay, but I think it was a good show, as this was undoubtedly good. You may not go in a good pace, but there were a lot of games that you were interested in and a lot of new ads, so I don’t think in terms of event, it can really be called this bad.

The problem is that the minimum voltage of Sony still shows a complete effect. It is good to know that Housemarque does not make a live service game, and I will be there to continue to return, but it was just one game in a 50 -minute offer, at the beginning of the year. This may not be considered the minimum effort, especially since Saros will not come out until next year.

Then we discovered that sitting about not doing anything was a great success for Sony during Christmas, with sales height even when they had no new payment games. As you say, what is the incentive they did more? The smart work decision at this stage is not to do anything. The less the games you announce and lead, the better, it seems better.

This is clear because PlayStation 5 is the only real option now for most people, and now after the Xbox Series X/S series has collapsed, but it is exciting to see a company that is rewarded for not doing anything literally.

PlayStation 3 Part 2
The thing that worries me about PlayStation 5 performance is good, and now that Xbox X/S series died, how will this affect PlayStation 6. They think they have a clear room for play?

In fact, we know, just take a look at PlayStation 3. An expensive console with a very few games, sold by Sony is very arrogant, refused to accept any problem until Xbox 360 started controlling and began to lose their jobs.

I know it is useful to ask anyone to learn anything from history, but I can see all this happens again. We need Xbox or another competitor to keep Sony in the selection. This is not Nintendo. Whether or not control panels, they are not similar enough for Sony to see them as a competitor and this is always the case.
to focus

Send your comments by email to: Ga*********@me***.uk

Easy money
Great interview with Joseph Fares, GC. I would be honest I thought he was a little crazy after a spray to him in the awards of the game, but he actually gave some studied, and in my opinion, accurate answers to your questions.

I was particularly interested in his comments about the fact that developers are not original, such as publishers, and this is not something you hear a lot. You can tell me somewhat, given how to clone many Indie games, but when you don’t get a lot of money, what can you do?

But I remember that I heard that many of the live service games that we have seen over the past few years were the idea of ​​the developer was not a publisher. Concorde was something Sony dominated as soon as the developer had already started, for example.

Everyone wants money and I am sure that the developers want to make it easily and quickly like any publisher. As usual, we only look at 10 % of anything in reality.
Lord of the stars

GC: Thank you.

Will no one think of children?
I don’t understand why Sony stopped making family games in the first place. Did children stop their admiration for video games suddenly and not noticed? I think it may be at the end of PlayStation 3/Start of PlayStation 4 is when the mobile games were at its peak, and it seemed to take it, but this was not a reason to stop completely.

I think the popularity of “SAD DAD” games should look like something very sure, but given things like Astro Bot are much cheaper to make it look short. We hope it means a recreation of the Metal Gear Solid 3 Escape Ape soon.

Good condition
I will remember that I was not in disappointment in the event of yesterday’s playing. I am very tickled, to see many unhappy people, as well as such a tradition, put their expectations to abnormal levels. You cannot teach those who fail to learn from their mistakes. Two matches drew my attention. The tide is an interesting detection. It looks great and filled with an effective scale. But it may be some time. Since we have not yet seen concrete, tangible release date.

Saros was the closing act and what he had done. Housemarque woke up from her slumber, while it was a shame that Harry Kruger, who brought out the return, left the company, from a minute -minute announcement, could be an ideal continuation of the Roguelke series. I just hope it will be a lesser challenge this time and not return to the beginning. There is no positive spin of the death penalty.

In a last note, the freedom to recommend GC was taken. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Metaphor: Refantazio at my Steam Library. If we judge through reviews, they will not join them.
Shaheeb Sadiq

bad luck
Why as soon as Porderlands 4 was announced, I immediately thought about the suicide band? This was also a case of playing almost not almost that, and it seemed that it had not only continued, but the game seemed so bad that it was delayed for a year and got a terrible reputation that never ended (because it was terrible).

I do not say that Borderlands 4 will be the same, but his name has been clay since that movie and I do not think anyone loved almost the third group like the second. All I say is that I will not be surprised if the game is a worm and it will be a strange coincidence if everything begins with the state of play.

The critical gap
It is always interesting when the game has a mixed reaction, as many readers have noticed in the past, very easy to guess who will register high and who will be low. Neared 80 classifications on Metacritic, although as usual, it flies most of the large degrees of sites that you have not heard before.

There are almost no dangerous sites with a degree exceeding 70, with IGN 70, then GC, Thegamer, The Guardian and Gamespot everything that gives it 60. I think we can all agree that these are the most reliable sites abroad there and not why?

I liked some appropriate sites, it is clear that Eurogamer and VGC, but it seems to me that the average of 80 is much higher than the consensus between serious critics. I know this really doesn’t matter, but if anyone there is using meacritic to make decisions to buy 70 pounds+ I really think they will be better at the choice of some of the sites they trust and go with their opinions alone.

Since it’s in Game Pass, I will try the game, but it must be a very wet weekend for me to feel the desire (unfortunately, I doubt that there will be any shortage of these).

Inbox also
I expect Nintendo marketing team to tell us that “transition to Nintendo” before “turns to” 2 “and words that rearrange themselves to read” Nintendo Switch 2 “.
Bad liberation

I had a terrible dream that I wasted 50 minutes from my time watching a state of play, and The Big Finale (and the only first concert studio) was a cinematic scene from a game that graduated in 2026.
Adam_lion_23 (PSN ID)

GC: Whatvs. We thought it was good.

Send your comments by email to: Ga*********@me***.uk

Small printing
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