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How Trump’s sharp liberal system crashes – World News

The return of US President Donald Trump to the stage of the global policy center has once again sparked discussions about his strange political behavior. While the topic may feel anesthesia for some, Trump continues to dictate the global information agenda, confirming a reality around the modern world. First, the central role of the United States is still inaccessible, regardless of how much others may want in a multi -poles. Secondly, Trump’s approach – which literally and metaphorically, has proven that it is an effective way to achieve goals in today’s climate.

At the heart of Trump’s political behavior is a rejection of hypocrisy and duplication, and instead replaces it rudely. He insists on obtaining what he wants and ignores the anti -arguments, and often repeats the same demands unabated. Trump does not pretend to treat other countries as equal to the United States, and does not hide this belief. In his global outlook, international equality does not exist. The situation with China differs slightly due to the huge size of its economy and commercial size, but even there, Trump’s instincts dominate.

Trump’s approach is in line with the 2018 US National Security Strategy, which was adopted during his first term, which officially recognized modern international relations as a competition between the great powers. In fact, this recognition raises some countries over others – a concept that has been unofficially recognized but rarely mentioned directly.

Results on the ideals

What distinguishes Trump is his focus on results instead of the ideal. It does not aim to prove himself right; He simply wants to achieve his goals. This approach often appears to be ready to speak with respect for other countries and leaders. While such behavior shocks some, it is clear that Trump’s ignorance of diplomatic morals reflects a wider direction: the transformation from the United States that works as a “Hamid Higon” To the most self -task, the power of transactions.

The response from other countries shows this shift. Countries like Denmark and Canada appear confused and hesitating in the face of Trump’s explicit data. Germany and the United Kingdom are similarly unstable from the open intervention of Trump in their internal affairs. In Latin America, Capitals is preparing for the worst, reflecting the feeling of death in the possibility of dealing with the United States that gives self -interests on the supreme alliances or ideals. Cognition is the dawn that if the United States gives up its liberalization “Hamid” The situation and completely embrace the raw domination approach, the resistance will be almost impossible.

rise “Beyond Herbin”

Trump’s call stems not only of fear, but also from his primary rejection of what he could call “Beyond Herboua.” In traditional and diplomatic policy, hypocrisy has always existed as a tool to soften conflicts and enable dialogue. However, in recent decades, it has evolved into the essence of the same policy. The culture of silence and obsessive softening of rough edges has almost impossible to express or address real contradictions.

In the modern Western framework, the issues are no longer framed as competing interests, but as a coincidence between “right” (It is embodied by the Western model) and “mistake” (Those who deviate from it). This absolute approach does not leave room for settlement. What is considered “right” You should prevail, not by persuasion but by force. About the victory of the post -liberalism international discourse into a confusing mystery, where the terms are lost, and the words become separate from the article.

In this context, Trump’s bang works as a reset button. By stripping the demonstration, it forces the discussions to focus on concrete interests instead of the mysterious value -based discourse. His preference to reduce complex issues to material terms may simplify the complications of the world, but it also makes conversations more realistic, and from paradoxes, more important.

Fear and acceptance

Trump's return to power: the revolution or repeated?

Trump’s rise did not change his personality – everyone knew about his privacy long before his political rise. What has changed is the reaction of the world. Fireworks that caused a straightness in panic, if not acceptable, if not acceptable. This shift reflects a mixture of fear and adaptation. Many countries recognize the tremendous power of the United States and the uselessness of its demands when it is supported by the unworthy Trump force.

America’s transformation in Trump reflects wider changes in global politics. He created the lack of hypocrisy, especially in the West, an environment in which a significant dialogue has become almost impossible. Trump’s return to screaming and guidance, although it is annoying, provides a more honest reflection of international facts. It reveals the contradictions and tensions that tried after liberalism to bury it under layers of rhetorical ingenuity.

Simplification price

Trump’s approach is, neither comfort nor stability. Reducing global issues ignores their commercial essence complications that support international relations. However, the alternative – endless position and ideological hardness – have proven ineffective. The choice between these two flawed models is determined by the current era of political geography.

In the end, Trump’s readiness “Rip The Band-Aid Off” The world is forced to face uncomfortable facts. Whether this approach leads to a solution or more conflict still should be seen. What is clear is that the era of accuracy and diplomacy gives way to a new era of screaming, as the authority and the self -interest dominate the conversation. In this context, Trump’s unrecognized pursuit of the results, unrestricted by hypocrisy, may be one of the symptoms and changing global arrangement driver.

This article was first published by the newspaper Rossiyskaya gazeta It was translated and edited by the RT team

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