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How to throw the full moon party, according to the spiritual coach

The whole satellites have a way to make people feel different. Whether it is more daring, electrical, spiritual and independent, there is something about the lunar event that can transform you. Even if you do not buy zodiac signs or secure the power of cosmic energy, the celebration of the moon can be a great time to hit the stop, determine the intentions, and of course the party.

In Thailand, the moon’s completion parties are accurately represented in the new season of “The White Lotus” (well, without a brotherly kinship). They tend to be brutal outside with alcohol, fire dancers and neon everything. But even outside the surface, the full moon party can take out a side of you that will be hidden in another way, and it is due to you to decide what this means or how you want to explore it.

Good news: You don’t have to fly all over the world to celebrate a moon, although Thailand has some great resorts. Hosting the full moon’s completion party can be like healing, and may even help you to tend to the daily or show or charge crystals.

Preparing your space, creating an ideal atmosphere for meditation and reciting assurances, here is how to throw the moon’s completion party at home.

Experts appeared in this article

Amanda Lieber It is a spiritual, trainer, and teacher in its own practice.

What is the full moon party?

The moon’s completion party is a celebration of an complete moon, which occurs once a month. Although some people may celebrate an complete moon in Thailand abroad in the city with friends and family, it can also be more celebrated at home.

“Since the full moon can bring the emotional density, it can be the perfect party party, the perfect means of allowing it to leave,” says Amanda Lieber. She says this can not only help you feel more connected to yourself, but it can also be a great opportunity to roam. “It is a great opportunity to put intentions and a big dream.”

How to throw the full moon party

The full moon can look as you want to look. If you want to invite friends and host a party outside the lower moonlight, it may be so simple. But if you want to host the moon’s completion party with the intention of absorbing all that spiritual energy, there are some ways that you can do so as well.

Whether you have a full moon party yourself or invite some friends, Leber recommends entering the preparation with an open heart. “The moon is here to bring divine feminine energy to the surface,” Leber says. In other words, “Leave” the analytical thinking at home and tends to the most aware “intuitive mind” that already carries all the answers you are looking for.

In order to do this, Lieber says you should find a way to relax and calm your body before the party. This can be done by meditation, bathing, on foot, or having a single dance party. “This is the way you create this open and receptive situation,” Leber added.

Once the full moon is here, there are some things that you should have at hand to take all the spiritual energy of the moon:

  • magazine. “It might be useful to have a magazine and something he writes with him to record any ideas or reproductions that appear,” Leber says.
  • Blacks, because they can be shipped under the moonlight.
  • Battle or pillow for meditation.
  • Some tissues: “Be prepared to allow tears to heal,” Lieber says.
  • Music, specifically the Vibey play menu, makes you feel comfortable and calm.

Once the bright moon shines, allow yourself to feel. Write any big emotions you face, avoid some new goals, and repeat assurances such as “I trust that everything is revealed in an ideal time” or “I am supposed to receive everything my heart wants.”

Most importantly, do not be afraid of what appears during the full moon party. Remember that the completion of the moon is “an invitation to restore your strength by giving up old beliefs and behavioral patterns that no longer serve you,” so you may feel revelation at first. However, I know that the completion of the moon will also help you “a clear space for what really shines to you,” Leber added.

Are you ready to throw your moon’s completion party? Check the PS guide for each moon this year and its meanings.

Taylor Andrews (she/she) is the balance of PS, specializing in sexes related to sex, relationships, dating, sexual health, mental health, travel and more. With seven years of editorial experience, Taylor has a strong background in creating content and stories. Before joining PS in 2021, I worked in Cosmopolitan.

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