How did the secret spy service in the Vatican “The entity” trained the priests on dark arts, infiltrated the Soviet Union and helped Paul become the Pope

With harsh ambition, suspense, and even spies, the successful movie Conclave reveals the struggle for success in a new pawn.

Not only did this film be desirable for critics, but yesterday got eight of the great onsenine nominations.


Ralph Venice is a candidate for the Best Actor Award for the role of Cardinal Lawrence in the movie ConclaveCredit: Scientific
Pope John Paul II revives a Swiss guard and a woman.


The pole, Carole Vegolalla, who eventually became Pope John Paul II, was trained in complete secrecy in the Communist Poland.Credit: Reuters
Black and white photo of Benito Mussolini in the uniform.


During the rise of Italy, the fascist, Musolini monitored the Vatican mail and listened to his phone linesCredit: Getti

Among them, Ralph Venice, a candidate for the best actor award for the role of Cardinal Lawrence, who must supervise the secret complex, where the leaders of the Catholic Church are isolated from the outside world, to elect the new greatest ink.

The film is drowned in dual handling and dirty tricks by senior clerics. But in reality, the Vatican not only has his own secret device, but also has a list of “James Pondes in his clothes” trained to jump with umbrellas behind enemy lines.

The new Vatican spies book, by iPhone Dywell, reveals an unusual spying story that includes Queen Elizabeth I, Cold War, Mafia, KGB, CIA and MI6, as well as amazing financial scandals and cold blood.

The mysterious body appeared to the light for the first time in the wake of a dual murder in the Vatican – when IPhone Bertorilo, a young priest, claimed that there is a “state inside the state …”. . . To destabilize communist regimes. ”

He said: “Diplomacy was often used as a cover. In fact, it was a network of intelligence agents.

“Some of them may have used the cloak, but they were not in the priesthood.”

This will become one of the most famous Vatican scandals, but, like the devil himself, his secret intelligence arm had many names over the years.

It comes under the umbrella of the secretariat of the state, which is based in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican city.

A major scandal

It is the administrative body of the Catholic Church, and includes various branches – including the famous Swiss Guard known as its official and elaborate uniform, and the Vatican Police Force called Veglianza or the Gendarmerie.

Inside Vigilanza, which mostly Italian police and intelligence agents work, there are secret service units that eavesdrop on phone lines, mail and suspects monitor.

A gunman of Pope John Paul II fired four times in front of the Vatican in 1981.

There are about 120 officers, including civil clothing investigators and direct protection officers Functions It is to make sure that the Pope remains safe, at least after his assassination attempts in the past.

However, the origins of this secret body can be returned to the battle of the Catholic Church with the Protestant England in the sixteenth century, in particular, Queen Elizabeth I.

Pope Pius IV appointed Sayed Jasous, Antonio Gisslere, who became known as “Pope of the Shadow”, to build an intelligence network to fight the enemies of the church, including England.

Gisleieri later became Pope Pius V and established an official spy agency called the Holy Alliance.

[Priests were trained in] Wrestling, athletics, open fighting, firearms training. . . Paragraph jumping

From the Russian program

In the nineteenth century, the papacy realized that it needed to launch an official intelligence agency again to face all the revolutions sweeping Europe and the Americas.

But only when Pope Pius X established a new political spy network, called Sabinier, in 1903, the Vatican began to take over a growing central role in the world of international intelligence.

Initially, it was designed to recruit customers and informants, intercept mail, follow the suspects, and purify anyone seen as a threat to the conservative ideology of the Catholic Church.

However, the Vatican was not the only one who carried out eavesdropping and spying. It has also become goal From foreign intelligence devices.

A seventeenth -century panel of Pope Pius V with a cross and an angel.


Pope Pius V has established an official spy agency called the Holy AllianceCredit: Getti
The sunset view of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome, with a bridge over the Tiber River.


The Vatican city of Roma has gone spas similar to James Bond for several centuriesCredit: Getti
A secret movie poster that includes Ralph Venice, Stanchi Tuchi, John Litjo and Isabella Rossillini.


With harsh ambition, suspense and even spies, Conclave reveals the struggle for success to be the next Pope.Credit: Scientific

In the First World War, the Vatican had to cover up a major scandal when it turned out that the main assistant of Pope Benedictive was a German agent.

While the fascist Italy climbed, Mussolini monitored the Vatican mail and listened to his phone lines.

The Pope police, who were mostly recruited from retired Italian officers, allowed the fascist police to reach the special places for foreign ambassadors in the Vatican to steal their secrets. In 1929, the Vatican concluded a deal with the Mussolini government, which included the creation of networks designed to penetrate the Soviet Union.

The fall of communism has become the primary goal of the church until the 1990s, and witnessed the construction of alliances with many Western intelligence services, including the CIA, British intelligence MI6 and French intelligence.

This has become increasingly important, when the Americans and the British realized that they were often “blind” in the Soviet Union, which was mercilessly expelled spying networks and monitored Western diplomats.

The Holy See began to play a greater role than ever with the outbreak of the Cold War after World War II.

Western powers realized that in the church an informal network of information thanks to local priests.

They will collect reports on local social, economic and political image in their dioceses, which will be finally nominated to the Secretariat of the Vatican State.

In 1930, the ambitious Vatican official, Eugenio Batchelli, became a foreign minister and established what became known as Rossikum, to resist the Communist repression of the Soviet Union.

With the passage of time, this will take an extraordinary turn after Nazism Germany and Japan It has been defeated and a new cold war will appear.

In 1949, an American military plane took off from the West Germany He was holding two anti -Communist resistance members and two unknown men, all of them with umbrellas.

After traveling to the east Germany Poland, the plane landed over Ukraine at a height of 650 feet before men jumped from it.

It is striking that the two unknown persons were Catholic Catholics, which is part of the Russian program that trained priests on “wrestling, athletics, open fighting, firearm training and …”. . . Parachis jumping. “

to the next Five years later, dozens of priests were moved, thanks to the training of the CIA and the British intelligence agency MI6, into the country Ukraine that way.


A French -French intelligence report described as a real “business department”, which helped the French to infiltrate the countries of the Eastern Bloc.

The Central Intelligence Agency has helped to falsify the identity required for customer priests, who were also expected to develop their false identities and backgrounds.

The number of spies in the Vatican was greater than their number in James Bond films.

Thomas Torovsky, a former spy turned into a Polish ambassador

But in 1954 the program ended when it was found that the Soviets were collecting these agents with a heavy rate.

Meanwhile, the pole, Carroll Voetella, who later became Pope John Paul II, was trained in complete secrecy in the Communist Church. Poland.

When he became the first non -Italian door in 450 years in 1978, his goal was communism. He immediately strengthened Vigilanza and inside it was a special secret unit that carried out black operations.

The Pope will become the same in an increasing confrontation with the Polish regime.

Long after that, Thomas Torovsky, the former spy who turned into a Polish ambassador, indicated that during the reign of John Paul, “the number of spies in the Vatican was greater than the number of spies in James Bond films.”

He added: “One priest named the symbolic Rossi and he was transferring news To Polish services, he worked until recently in the Vatican for Pope Francis. ”

John Paul II’s reign was the paradise of spying because it combined an unexplained mix of murder, mafia, financial scandals and secret Catholic orders, as well as the Cold War.

In 1998, Alois Estman, head of the Swiss Guard, and his wife Glades Romero were found shot in their apartment in the Vatican, along with the body of a Swiss goalkeeper named Cedric Torni.

It was claimed that Estman was a spy from East Germany and was in love with a bilateral Torni before the couple separated sharply.

The Vatican rejected the Italian police assistance and kept the investigation internally. While the young victim’s family was convinced to cover up.

However, Torni’s mother said that she had met the amount of violations Berutorilo near the coffin of her deceased son, and that the murder was “all his mistake …”. . . He even said that my son was killed. ”

She claimed that Bertorilo claimed that the dead goalkeeper was investigating Estman’s secrets with the secret Obus Day sect, which has long been seen as a malicious effect inside the church.

Later, Bertorilo told an Italian journalist, using a pseudonym, that the Vatican created, during the reign of John Paul II, a “closed network” of cells around the world, consisting of intelligence agents.

He said that these were recruited from priests, universities, or paramilitary organizations.

Bertorilo said he underwent four years of training as part of this network – during which he learned symbols and blades by a Polish priest, and secret photography by an Italian priest, while the Italian army trained him to jump with umbrellas.

The message was that the James Bond network in the Vatican was not shaken and was not affected by the end of the war.

Pope Pius IV engraved.


Pope Pius IV appointed Antonio Gissleieri, “Pope of Shadow”, to create a intelligence network against the enemies of the church, including England.Credit: Getti
A clarification drawing of Queen Elizabeth I sitting on the throne, holding a congregation.


A new book entitled Vatican spies by iPhone Dyouil reveals an extraordinary spy story that includes Queen Elizabeth ICredit: Getti
A picture of the Swiss Swiss Guard.


The famous Swiss Guard, known as his elaborate with the elaborateCredit: Environmental Protection Agency

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