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Harvey Winstein in the prison interview: “I have some remaining films inside me”

Condemned Harvey Winstein A new interview appears to indicate that it is just a matter of time before returning to the works of film. to talk With the sixth pageThe 72 -year -old former media pole suggests this extreme right -wing critics Candice Owens It will help to exonerate him The claims made by more than 90 women Of sexual misconduct and sexual assault.

Harvey Winstein was convicted of rape in New York in 2020 after dozens of women, including Rose McGouanand Kate BeckensalAnd Angelina Jolie Serve with allegations against him. In 2022, three other charges were convicted of sexual crimes in a separate trial in Los Angeles; In 2024, his first conviction was canceled after the Court of Appeal ruled that errors were made during his trial. He is scheduled to be re -tried for these original accusations in New York, as well as some accusations that he had not heard before To start choosing the jury On April 15.

In a report published on Friday, the Six Scroble page Ian Muhr He writes that Winstein “was in a good mood” during an interview with prison, despite his current imprisonment on Rikeers. “This is a terrible place, no one should be here,” and according to what Winstein said about the detention facility, which also hosted him during his first trial five years ago.

The co -founder of Miramax is considered to discuss Owens, which she claimed that “Hollywood is run by evil Jewish gangs” is one of the reasons that it obtained from the group of areas of calling for the heavenly stops in the year Crown in 2024. And podcaster, Those who cut relationships with The right -wing extremist outlet last year due to its wrong allegations about the Jewish people, Announced It was in contact with Winstein since 2022 and grew to believe that Prominent Regarding democratic and liberal cases, she was the victim of the “Musaasa” court hall.

“I always believe in our court system, and now it’s began to change,” Owens said in an announcement of her next attempt to highlight Winztein.

According to Weinstein, “Owens” is a star, and I was around the stars.

“She is investigating her podcast,” he says, admitting that “my opinions are completely different from them, but they are difficult and working.”

It also seems to be believed to be between the New York and Awenz’s re -trial, it may be soon. He told Mohr: “I have the films of the remaining couple,” but he also said that he will be satisfied with spending time with his children if he was released one way or another.

But this, like Owenz’s allegations about Kabal Siri, runs Hollywood, may be a pure imagination. Even if he prevailed in his second advocacy in New York, he still has 16 -year prison sentence in California For service. While the defense team in Winstein also has This condemnation resumedAs of the time of publication, that The condemnation is still standing. Looking at the weak health of the elderly defendant, returning to the product chair seems not already likely.

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