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Glamour Mag is on Boos Taylor Swift Super Bowl

Taylor Swift heard a usual voice in Super Bowl Sunday.

The pop star is used to run the crowd in the wake of its age round around the world. There is no greater singer on this planet.

a period.

On Sunday, Swift got a series of dirt from the masses instead.

Swift Super Paul appeared in New Orleans to support Travis Kelis from the President of Kansas City brigade. This, in addition to the subsequent chants of President Donald Trump, sparked digital screams from women’s hatred.

Glamour The Parade has led. The left outlet is far away Take a series of bad events.

Why was Taylor Swift descended into Super Bowl more chilling than you think, read the title.

Not only chilling … “more” chilling. The article looks like after Novo. 5 seizures.

Super Bowl, one of the largest cultural events in the country, has been regained by Trump and the type of toxic masculinity that appears to be a beacon.

Yes, it may be a big male football event. nailed it! Next? The anger at the UFC title fights for its violence and not sympathy.

The author blames women’s hatred for the fake Swift greeting, but the events concerned betray this argument. Jumpson showed other female stars, such as Ann Hathaway and Lady Gaga as well.

No nuts.

A rational spirit that will make the clear relationship. The media and the US Football Association quickly shown us for a very long time. We want to watch football, not a celebrity love connection. What was great in the beginning became the cavity. The US Football Association loyalists look forward to football, not fashion updates.

The crowd got a chance to vent in a long time. They paid the high tickets price and deserved to hear.

Related: Does Taylor Swift regret the support of Kamala Harris?

After that, the writer attacked President Trump due to the rapid hunting of social truth. To be fair, Swift came out strongly against Trump during the heat of the presidential campaign.

You are frightened first, right?

The article wraps exactly as one expects.

It does not seem as if Trump and his ilk wanted to get out of football, but rather they want to return our entire country until a time when they were controlling, and they had all the power, and they could say what they wanted without repercussions.

I think the writer has missed this female moment since the first month of Trump in the office.

A separate article on a sparkle on Boogate, because one was not enough, It also played “M” card.

So, exactly what is the crowd beef with Taylor Swift in Super Bowl? Is it just a strong woman and football fans find this threat? Is it because their fans tend to be largely to be women and often the fans of the American Football Association tend to male? Because I was raising my mind and hate women is the only reasonable explanation that I can reach. And if this is the atmosphere, what is the incentive for any of the Swift hordes of international fans, or people who are interested in anguish in general, to continue the synthesis to the American Football Association?

If the “New” Football Association fans fall in love with the sport they will adhere to. If they are caught every Sunday to see Swift reaction clips, they may return to other endeavors.

This is not the hatred of women. It is Fandom 101.

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