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France in a state of emergency – IREF Europe

Posted on January 13, 2025


It is good to announce in the National Assembly, in its general political speeches, the new Prime Minister François Bayrou.
The situation of payments is actually very serious: the offshore area does not stop crossing, and is now on its way so far, that the major American debt-recording agency, Moody’s, has decided to recycle it again. Page one of the IMF’s payment note in Washington We are concerned about this, and in July 2024 Brussels will initiate a measure to combat excess deficits. If we do not want to follow what happened in Greece in 2010, this will lead to a very serious retrenchment of the state and, apparently, this is no longer very popular.

The situation is dangerous

According to Raymond Barre, when he became Prime Minister of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, he announced on television on 22 September 1976, presenting a French plan of action (le Plan Barre): “France vit au-dessus de ses moyens: il faut que nous remettions French economy in order. Since then, in 1976, an initial announcement was made by the French that the incumbent president had the qualification of “the best economists in France”. However, this statement only continued to influence Thierry Breton, in 2005, when he was Minister of Economy and Finance in Raffarin’s government, before he made his traffic light tour. Alarme, disant aux Français en présentant son de loi: «The France vit au-dessus de ses moyens»; And there is a request: “The croissance passes with more travel, and more long temperatures.” But, again, this advertising remained ineffective.

At the moment, we are in a very serious situation: we are facing the highest public and social expenditures of all developed countries, due to registered prior commitments that are strangling the economy, and the payment is made by our representative pass plus the total state budget, which the European Commission can pay every year of adjustments. In order to reduce the size of the fiscal deficit and budget deficit. When calculating the mount of notre-diet by the evaluator, the rhythm of development is very interesting, such as the rate chart:

Note this, in effect, we don’t have access to the right screen, like this, as the next table reads:

Det (en% du PIB)





The FMI rate rises to 124.9% in 2029.

Economies that can be achieved:

A recent study by the United Nations points to the long-term growth of the economies of the countries in Monterrey, with the French economy becoming, in Europe, the best performer. We are reproducing the results of this study several times, extending the series into 2021, and impressing Israel is exceptional:

PIB/tête (USD)

1980 2000 2021 The multiplier

Israel 6.393 21.990 52.170 8,0

Spain 6.141 14.556 30.103 4.9

Suez 18.879 37.937 91.991 4.9

Denmark 13.881 30.734 68.007 4.9

Aleman 12.091 23.929 51.203 4.2

Pays bass 13.794 20.148 57.767 4,2

France 12.669 22.161 40.963 3,2

(Source: United Nations University, Statistics Division)

Our leaders are not looking to shrink our economy, but rather to leave an institution without brothers in the industrial sector. Also, do not contribute more to the formation of a PIB that reaches only 10%, even if it rises by 23% or 24% in Germany or Switzerland: France is now, at the moment, paying the price in addition to the dismantling of the industry in Europe, of which Greece is part.

New forecasters indicate that in all the coming years, only 1% will be at par, which will bring 2.970 billion euros in 2029. Applying this, the amount of mandatory obligations that were introduced at par with the site (Taxes, social costs and fiscal taxes) by 2029, reaching €1.540 billion. Or that our expenses have reached €1.736 billion (in 2023); This means that by 2029, even if it does not increase, the economies will need $196 billion to achieve a balanced budget in this horizon. If it were not possible for his ambition alone to have the deficit reach 3% according to the Palestine Investment Bank, it is possible that the economies would not exceed 107 billion euros.

$196 billion in revenue from the economies is a good target to see, as 3% of the deficit will come back to the end! No public comments related to the façon suivante:

Dependence Public (2023) (billion euros)

Functional details…….761 (yc. Investments)

Dépenses sociales ……………………… 975


Total 1,736

It is wrong for the Prime Minister and Parliament to declare that economies are dependent on achieving between these two large amounts of spending, which means that he will not fail to deal in principle with investment expenditures. With these assumptions on whether public expenditures can remain constant, through a relationship with a PIB, it beats the best ratio in the EU, with 51.9% for us and 49.4% for the EU. We encourage thinking that this is good, the way forward, but on the basis that the effort is very important: a quarantine of billions of euros of economies, at least, from 2029.

It may be interesting that Emmanuel Macron did not attack the serious problem of reducing state income to power: he already became Minister of Economy! In Seoul, the corona increases France’s share by 1,000 billion euros, adding to the impressiveness of all their predecessors.

This is what Edouard Philippe, who led Prime Minister Macron, learned in May 2017, during a public political announcement that he would consult on what will happen in the future, the announcements of his predecessors, etc. Avait été flatteur à leur égard, disant: « La France n’a jamais Manage the responsive policies, components and quality exceptions! ». Sure, but the comment is possible, well, if these guys are up for the situation where could it get worse? C’est, là, a question qui rest à élucider, and il faudra, un jour, Tenter de comprendre ce qui s’est passé!

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