Eve did not think about her relationship with her husband, she will continue because of his children

Rapper Eve gave The birth of her first child With Maximillion Cooper’s pair not long ago. Although this was the first time that Eve became a mother, Cooper was already a father before Rove Ruff Rayder dating. When Eve discovered that Cooper was a family man, she wondered about their relationship.
How was Eve’s reaction to the idea of becoming a wife to become a wife
Eve confirmed that she got out a little from her comfort area when she was a Cooper’s historian. Regardless of existence In a relationship between racesShe and Cooper were completely different backgrounds. Eve was rapper from Philadelphia while her husband was a British entrepreneur.
But among their differences, which made Eve really worry about her relationship with her husband’s children. Cooper gave birth to four children who shared them with the former wife of Jolly Brangsterop. Although she grown near her new family, Eve was initially uncomfortable because she was a wife. To the extent that she did not expect Cooper’s relationship to walk the distance.
“Now 10 and a half years have passed, I was in their lives and they were in my life. They founded me. In the beginning, when I first met my husband, her boyfriend at that time, I was like,” this will never last because you got four children! “How will this do?” She said in an interview with her the people. “But then I met the children and was frankly like” Wow, the children are amazing. “
But Eve admitted that it took some time before she adapted to her new family.
“It took two or three years to adapt, only our relationship with children. But I must say I am very lucky. I’m so lucky that I got Insta-kids- I call them my rewards.”
Eve does not want her new children to return to her past
Eve had to make many changes in life after committing herself to Cooper. It has been observed that one of the reasons why she leaves her round round dialogue program, ConversationHe was with her husband in London. But there is one thing that cannot change the past. Before she settled in a quiet life, she was known for aggressive content in rap music. But they represented an aspect of Emcee whose children were not preferred to know about. Nevertheless, according to Eve, her children find it great to have a rap star as their mother.
“I am really lucky because they are very proud of me. Eve said:” It is really sweet. “I am Do I hope they will not return away a day to listen to certain things. Which – which It is my hope. … O Lord, the entire first album! You know what, it’s good, but it is definitely much more, cliche, maybe cursed, what I am now. “
But she might not have been the same as the hard -line hip -hop artist that she had once at the time, at least not completely. Eve also confirmed that she is the father of the father changed her. She did not grow up with an open and welcome family like Cooper. The science of her children is the reward A singer “from that girl” How to let care in a way that she had not had before.
She once said with an interview with Xonicole. “You are like, do you want to color? What do you want?!” I was very strange with children, it takes careful stability, but I definitely relieves a person.