I assure myself that this is not reality, Sarah, it is an image. When there are two years, if everyone looks forward to this is the person who presents a French program for France, and an aura of differences. Force. La France est la France, it is other interests, other priorities, other values, another history. This is not Trump. With the aura of the same spirit: a deep love for the city of Push and a desire to gain mastery, greatness and embarrassment from whoever springs.
Cancrylates? But not, shoppers, don’t hurry, I’m not talking to strangers, I’m talking to Jews who are on their way to their home countries with their hippie mentality and their strange preferences that haunt our schools better, les nôtres très souvent.
Trump program? It may be part of the time, it’s true, with nuances, with additions, forced.
-Preventing brutal migration. This is all we do from the program, Sarah.
-Expelling secrets. Quoi que dise l’UE (qu’on n’a jamais choisie comme maître, rpelle-toi Sarkozy et le Traité de Lisbonne) We are also committed to the right and the duty to return everyone we do not want, everyone who is like him. OQTF, this is not required l’autorisation d’entrer chez us, ceux qui sont en prison ou en ontâté… This must be the end of the autobot, which is synonymous with alien priority…
-Repeal the mandate on electric vehicle fraud as well as on environmental fraud altogether. To be like the same thing with ZFE region blocking. In all ways, Macron and Der Leyen could be fine. If the US overcomes environmental deception, the EU must fall in line….Pourvu que les écolos en soient malades à crever!
-Abolish all censorship, and restore freedom, after the end of dictatorships, health, virus, and virus. Obviously the failure to appear was a burden of honor in the EU and big pharmaceutical companies, and in OMS… Mention of soldiers, patients, etc. who took leave during the Covid crisis, and paid years of salary qu’on leur a volé. This also forcefully passes through Frexit or a rigid bra with EU. On nothing more, on the honor of the bras, on the way to the directives of the trains.. Sans la France, from all the people, the UE is not peut pas…
–At the end of the development of genre bans, When a person or gender changes, he or she must be identified as a man or a woman, and the human being is also selected as an undesirable object. Meme the chiens and chats on a “sex” case on the phone car!!! The right to change sex should be avoided, but before 25 years of evidence, an ID card with a clear gender should also be obtained, by respecting what humans do. Extremely rare hermaphrodites must also choose a formal sex. For the rest, you can live the life you would live in the secret of the sofa room.
–Trump wants to restore the Panama Canal, which left the United States De Vasson is anomalous and harmful to Americans. It’s a reason. And us? We want to regain our Islamic cities and neighborhoods by speaking French. où l’on n’écrit plus français, où non-traveling women is considered insulting. This is the Panama Canal.
-Progress in the research, the science, all on Mars… Yes, a thousand times over, it is difficult to invest in exploration in science for the sake of future generations. All that must be open to them, is that they need not avoid preferred facilities, direct consumption to rely on teaching, teaching, science, research… Je crois que, un jour, for as many possible causes, overpopulation, catastrophe, sterilization The sun, a nuclear disaster… Man must install himself on another planet (or more). He had prepared for this possibility so as not to disperse his genie.
Is it possible to serve a solar system, millions of planets in the universe, that has no intelligence to speak, to proclaim, to river, to paint to inspire the poet and the scholar? ????
We also call our people to move towards “France First”! There can be a legacy of the Greeks and Romans, Archimedes and Galileo, Pascal and Molière, Socrates and Renoir…
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