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Deepening slow construction, slow deeper into the wounds of the Ukrainian city bombed by Russia Russia-Ukraine, news war

Borodiana, Ukraine – Days after Russia fired widely to Ukraine, a 500 -kilogram bomb from a combat plane collapsed from the Maria Vasilinko section.

During March 1, 2022, an attack that caused dozens of damage in this city once, 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Kiev, Vasilinco and its neighbors were hiding in an ice cellar.

They rushed abroad to see how the thermal wave turned into an air blue, melting snow and melting cars, and trees without leaves and blades of frozen grass around the building.

“Have you seen hell before? That’s what it was,” said Vaslinco, 80, on the island.

She was unable to find her daughter Olina, a 41 -year -old nurse, and her son -in -law, Sirhi Khokro, a 37 -year -old building worker, was hiding on the basement under the collapsed section.

Their crushed bodies remained on the bottom floor that was overwhelmed by the water while Vaslinco was evacuated to the center of Ukraine with their young children, Melina and Bouhdan.

Meanwhile, the Russian soldiers moved to the Vasylenko apartment for a month, leaving garbage, stools and writings with Soviet symbols, and looted all precious things when Moscow requested a retreat from all over Kiev and northern Ukraine.

Maria Vaslinko (right) and Hana Riachinko (left) says that Russian bombs destroyed their apartments in Borodiana. [Mansur Mirovalev/Al Jazeera]

“You no longer smile”

After weeks, Vasylenko returned to Borodyanka to bury the remaining OLENA and Serhiy.

Her grandchildren were sent to safety in Poland. She could not bear the news of Melina about the death of her parents for more than a year until they returned to Ukraine.

Melina is 12 now. She returned to Borodyanka with Vasylenko – she is deeply shocked.

“She is no longer smiling,” said Vasilinko, sitting on a seat next to a community center, where she and her neighbor sings in the amateur choir.

“She cannot bear to see parents embrace and accept her classmates after school because her mother and her father will not do that,” said Hanna Richchenko, a 79 -year -old neighbor.

Both women and their relatives live in small rooms in a dormitory that Poland donated with shared bathrooms and kitchens.

The excavators began to remove debris from all over the Vasylenko building just two weeks ago.

From hell to forgetfulness

At least 300 civilians were killed in Borodiana, according to the survivors, Ukrainian officials and human rights groups.

The Russian forces bombed Borodyanka although they never hosted a military base or plants that produce weapons.

Amnesty International concluded the monitoring of rights, that the bombings “were inappropriate and indiscriminate under international humanitarian law, and thus the formation of war crimes.”

Russian soldiers working in tanks and artillery worrying residential buildings are empty.

They also recorded stores and shopping centers just to break their doors or walls open and looted what was inside. The residents said that the soldiers shot anyone who saw them without warning – and threatened to cancel the protection of those who tried to recover the bodies from the streets or survivors of the rescue from under the collapsed buildings.

For its part, Moscow has constantly denied targeting civilians.

The workers are renewing a residential building near a statue of Ukrainian poet Taras Shivchenko -1741862781 National
The workers are renewing a residential building near a statue of Ukrainian poet Taras Shivchenko National [Mansur Mirovalev/Al Jazeera]

“I preferred to stay at home and starve,” Volodimir Robovic, a 69 -year -old retired factory worker, told Al Jazerera.

Most of the trapped civilians, including children, were buried, while they were freezing to death or starved.

Only one woman managed to save an eight family by sneaking into food and water in a small incision at night.

Officials said that fifty -five residential buildings were destroyed by hundreds of homes, shops, offices or damage, making thousands of shelter and riots.

Slow restore

Residents say that ten residential buildings have been completely recovered or re -updated with heat -saving filling, plastic doors and windows.

But many remain without touching.

“They dug this hole and they did nothing,” said Robovic, referring to a building hole on Tsentralnaya (central), referring to a building hole on Tsentralnaya Street (the central) that I called on the name of the Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin.

Behind the fence was a completely new excavator, it fell in the hole and placed upside down.

The small Robovyk house, affected by a shell, was corrected by volunteers in the fall of 2022, but the renovation of large buildings has not yet ended.

“The end of the reconstruction is December 2024”, you read a plastic banner on the side of the Valentyna Illyshenko apartment consisting of five floors.

But the house is still wrapped in the scaffolding, as the workers who cover it with heat -saving plastic ends that also hide the fragments holes.

Eichinko escaped from her apartment with her six -year -old husband and son on February 28, 2022, when she entered Russian tanks and armored vehicles Borodiana or chanted on their way to Kiev.

She said that the Russian soldiers occupied their apartment – and drank all alcohol, destroyed every family picture and stole each electronic device.

She said that at least one of the unwanted guests was a sniper located in the kitchen and cut a hole in the curtains.

She said that the soldiers left the refrigerator and washing machine only because they were very heavy so that they could not carry them from the fourth floor.

Illichnko and other locals said that all heavy household appliances had been removed from the apartments on the lower floors, and the Russians left Borodiana with trucks loaded with stolen goods.

“Hate is what I still feel,” I told the island. “I can strangle them with my hand.”

After escaping from the hell of the occupation, she lives in the form of reconstruction with noise, dust and dirt.

Gharb wars

Its interpretation of the reason for the progress of renewal is very slowly – blame for the corruption of Ukraine settler and the separation of Olikander Sakharuck, a community president who was elected in 2020.

“They do not allow him to work,” said Elishnko.

Sakharuk was a member of the Life platform, a supporter of Moscow, which was banned in 2022 and its members were prevented from occupying elected jobs.

Although many members of life platforms in the areas occupied by Russia have begun to cooperate with Moscow, some have been strongly supportive of the Ukrainians-including SAKHARUK, according to many Borodynka residents on the island of the island.

He regained his job in June 2023 and last October after the court’s rulings, but the Ministry of Justice canceled the decisions.

“When he returns to work, things move.” When they release him again, things stop, “said Vitaly Seedrinko, a 47 -year -old warrior on the island.

Sakharuk did not respond to the suspension requests.

Corruption scandals everywhere in Ukraine delay the renewal of Borodiana.

Last December, anti -pregnancy anti -pregnancy officials canceled a contract to restore the residential building, where the daughter of Vasilinko died and her son -in -law died due to the alleged corruption relations of the construction company.

Vasylenko also spent several months and hundreds of dollars to restore the act on her apartment and other bombing documents.

She said, “I hope to return, but I am too big to wait for years.”

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