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A $ AP Rocky‘s Criminal assault The trial has officially started and rapper faces some high risks. The two father of the two were accused of assaulting his former friend, A $ AP ReliWith a semi -automatic weapon. Moreover, the rapper had previously rejected the approval deal that would have left him 180 days in prison. Now, it is said that Rocky faces imprisonment for up to 20 years.

But this is not all. In addition, the experience of rapper has so far been disappointed in choosing the jury and not diversity. Why did $ AP Rocky rejected his deal? What is all at the test, where experimental events are revealed?

Good, Shade room correspondent Ab Burns-Tocker Some answers participate inTsr Newz

More details about the alleged accident that involves $ AP Rocky

According to Berns Tukir, prosecutors believe that in November 2021, Rocky and Riley participated in a fight in Hollywood, California. Royy believes that Rocky refused to pay the funeral of another member of AP Mob called Josh. After that, when the couple was face to face, the prosecutors say that Rocky pulled a semi -automatic pistol and fired twice in the direction of Reli.

According to what was reported, this incident was left with Riley with a grazing joints.

For every host, dozens of Los Angeles police officers responded to the scene. According to what was reported, any officers have noticed evidence of the shooting. However, by the end of that evening, Riley returned to the area himself and discovered a shell of the shell.

More details about the experience of assaulting rapper

So far, observation footage has appeared on what is believed to be the alleged quarrel. However, Burns-Tocker notes that the shots appear unclear, and do not appear clearly Rocky and Reli as topics.

In addition, Rocky lawyer confirms that there is no criminal evidence linking the rapper to shoot. Even more, there were no eyewitnesses for the alleged crime. Pass the above while Burns-Tocker shares how the attorney’s position shows the reason for Rocky’s refusal of his call. Moreover, the host shares why the Rocky Legal team seems to be disappointed in choosing the jury in the trial, and how their reaction was. Finally, Burns-Tocker shares how these events can be “harmful” to the trial of Rocky, and more.

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