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Clearwood Films & Banijay Development of Barbara Pim “Excellent Women”

Elie Wood, the producer behind Netflix DrillingExtracting a development deal with Banijay UK and works to adapt to the excellent “Women” novels for Barbara Pym.

Under the terms of the agreement with the British ARM for Banijay Entertainment, Wood’s Clearwood Films will get funding to develop ideas, treatments and support from central resources including financial, legal and commercial affairs.

First of the partnership is the adaptation of the “excellent woman”, based on the account of the beloved author Pim, whose novels are compared to Jin Austin’s novels. The book follows the story of young women who are self -prohibited to live in London after World War II.

If Clearwood Land Greenlights of the likes of “excellent women”, the product will have the option to partnership with Banijay production companies in the UK to participate in production.

The upcoming Clearwood projects include a single text project that has not been announced for a written broadcaster 49 daysJohn Preston’s political drama is based on the presidency of the catastrophic Liz Tars. Banjay supports development.

Today’s agreement is followed by the first Clearwood Life, Banijay Rights, Banijay UK Banijay Entertainment. Banijay rights will continue to sell Clearwood offers internationally.

Wood is a BBC former screenplay and chief of Clairkanel Film Development and Exec. After talismans as a consultant in Miramax, similar roles in Sony Pictures Entertainment and Catalyst Global Media, created Clearwood to develop TV and movies.

In 2019, the Netflix feature produced DrillingWho starred Carrie Moligan, Ralph Venice, Lily James and Johnny Flynn, and was nominated for five Batta; Three years later, ITV and Britbox made three parts StonehouseWho starred Matthew McFaden as Minister of Labor John Stonehouse and Kelly Hazi as his wife.

It is also the Exec product Hot milk,, Rebecca Linkvich’s feature, Dibora Levy’s novel, which first showed the Berlin Film Festival in February.

“Ellie is a great producer with a good reputation to create high -quality high -quality drama. Banjay Rights made a successful deal with Clearwood, where I worked with Ellie in projects including projects Stonehouse, We are pleased to support her vision. ”

“I am pleased to work with Patrick and continue the Clearwood Films Partnership with the broader Banijay family. I am especially excited to develop the novels of one of my favorite author, Barbara Pim.

Like Jelly Coopers Competitors He gave us “Cooperverse”, and I look forward to creating “Pymverse” and bringing in British distinctive stories to this unique author of comic observation and love not only to its fans’ hordes but also to a broader TV audience. “

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