Serena Mottola, Seiya Matsudo and Rei Shirakawa joined Seasonsthe upcoming first film from Anky Cyriaque (Love and I quarreled), and more Japanese actors are scheduled to be added.
A story of love, life, death and fate that spans continents and time, the screenplay is by Oscar-nominated writer Kalman Abel (Speed for Thespians), based on an original story by Cyriaque (Seasons of the soul). Filming is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2025 on locations in New York, London, Vancouver, and Nepal.
The story follows a couple destined to fall in love but separated by the machinations of a vengeful spirit, and a 100-year journey through their past lives until they finally come together.
Talks are continuing with two leading Hollywood actors, as well as more Japanese talent, who will join Canadian singer-songwriter Krisha Turner.
Cyriaque says he was “nurturing his dream.” Seasons For ten unforgettable years.”
“What started as a spark of imagination took me on an extraordinary journey through the vibrant streets of London, the serene beauty of Japan, and the towering landscapes of Nepal,” Siriaki said. Hollywood Reporter.
Reflects the international cast, Seasons It will combine English and Japanese.
“Being Haitian, my conversations with family and friends are a vibrant mix of English and Creole – it’s the rhythm of my life. That’s why it was natural to inculcate Seasons In the same multilingual spirit. In the story, dialogue dances between English and Japanese, with some conversations starting in one language and flowing into the other. This reflects the beauty of connecting with real life, where words, cultures and emotions blend.
Actress, singer and model Mutola (Ice cream fever, Voices in the wind) You will play Eiko, a young woman who escapes her family’s expectations of traditional life in Japan but finds herself entangled in a romantic web in New York.
“Echo is amazing, and I can’t wait to add my vision to the character,” Mottola said.
Competing for Eiko’s affection is Yutaka, who will be portrayed by Matsudo (The Flash, The Man in the High Castle).
“I think my character is a kindred spirit, and I love very much what he strives for in New York City. I feel blessed to be a part of this amazing story and look forward to working with these amazing artists,” Matsudo said.
Shirakawa commented: “As is the title Seasons It is suggested that it depicts life cycles and seasons of the soul. I think the themes of life choices and relationships, which everyone experiences, are sure to resonate with audiences.
A long-time fan of Japanese films, Cyriac acknowledges the influence it has had on his filmmaking.
“Japan has always held a special place in my heart, and my passion for Japanese cinema runs deep. It is a beauty of the soul Driving my car [Ryusuke Hamaguchi] To the heartfelt narration Her love boils bath water [Ryota Nakano]I was blown away by the brilliance of the storytelling. But what really makes my heart race is the world of Japanese horror – the searing tension Testing [Takashi Miike]psychological depths medicine [Kiyoshi Kurosawa]and frightening excitement Suicide club [Sion Sono] “These are experiences I will never forget,” Cyriac added.
The director pays tribute to the work of Tokyo-based producer Ivan Collazo and Kosei James Ono, who will also appear in the film. Seasonsin bringing in a Japanese cast.
Seasons It will be produced by Meosha Davis, Cordero Sinclair, Jamar Atkinson, Joel Quinones, and Joseph Philippe aka Joey MHZ.