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AI Arms race in cybersecurity: Don’t trust anything, check out everything

The battle between Internet criminals and cyber security professionals is increasing daily. The Cyber ​​Security Report states that electronic crimes may be charged as much as it costs 10.5 trillion dollars Annually by 2025. Artificial intelligence has become arms in this arms race. your Senior reliable engineer site (SR) in Microsoft with more than 15 years of experience in cybersecurity, I saw the development of electronic attacks. I have also seen the importance of artificial intelligence in security along with a master’s degree of Georgia Tech and CISSP certificate; This gave me practical experience in how to help artificial intelligence to cybersecurity.

** Electronic threats working with business Source: Labor DaySource: Labor DayInternet intelligence criminals use more advanced attacks through malware and hunting. Hunting campaigns use this artificial intelligence to persuade users to detect sensitive information such as passwords and bank details. Artificial intelligence uses Deepfake to impersonate identities. For example, a financial worker has been deceived in a multinational company to pay $ 25 million for scammers using DeepFake. The fraudsters who have been presented as the company Financial Director At a video conference, according to Hong Kong Police.

The response teams deal with threats and responding to accidents with the fastest and most targeted attacks that are increasingly difficult to discover using traditional security measures.

AI chatbots is used to impersonate customer support. In this case, customers are ready to exchange sensitive data such as passwords and banking details without the second thinking. Through this, infiltrators reach customer information and theft of accounts.

In addition, artificial intelligence helps electronic criminals to design harmful programs that the developers have not discovered, making weaknesses per day more difficult.

In my league in the field of Microsoft ID and safety, I saw how the decision -making models driven by artificial intelligence are published to counter these advanced threats.

Amnesty International as a defensive force

On the defensive side, artificial intelligence helps cybersecurity. Artificial intelligence safety tools can analyze huge amounts of data, discover abnormal cases, and automate responses to potential threats. Zero Trust Architecture, a frame I call for in cloud safety, depends greatly on artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence tool is constantly reviewing the user’s arrival and validation of accreditation data. This helps reduce attacks on user accounts and sensitive information. Artificial intelligence ability to discover settlement has made a basic tool in Devsecops and automation. For this reason, the reliability of security and the reliability of the system has improved significantly.

Artificial intelligence tools can alert officials, breakthroughs and potential compromise solutions. Microsoft has wide AI tools with identity and access management (IAM) to verify.

Nevertheless, cybersecurity professionals should monitor the alerts and audits that have been proactively created by the identity and access tool.

The role of zero confidence, identity and access (IAM)

Source: microsoftSource: microsoft

Microsoft Zero confidence “You never trust, always achieve.” This requires the approval of users, accounts, devices and identities continuously. Electronic Hungarians are looking for various forms of impersonation of users, and therefore ratification is crucial, especially in the field of Microsoft ID.

The identity of Microsoft (IAM) is achieved from all identity and account, and login into the Zero Trust model. This guarantees the authenticity of identities and devices before granting access. This is done using authentication methods such as multiple factors (MFA) and conditional access policies. The Microsoft Labor System is called for identity management and access management Microsoft Entra. Microsoft also uses a specialization and compliance with safety management. Defender is used to protect devices, cloud calculations and identities. Defenders now use the intelligence of the threat that works with artificial intelligence materials, accidents response, Zero Trust architecture, and automation to excel in detection and actual time.

Microsoft Entra helps to respond to the threat and respond to accidents. This helps to reduce security attacks and threats. With the response to accidents, cybersecurity professionals can obtain alerts.

The field in which Microsoft excels is the intelligence platform of artificial intelligence. In 2024, Microsoft announced its investment in the safety of artificial intelligence by inviting experts to participate in searching for a zero day with promises of great cash rewards. This makes Microsoft a major investor in cybersecurity. Microsoft also analyzes trillion cybersecurity signals and provides tools for institutions for use in threat hunting.

These technologies and initiatives help build flexibility and reliability of the system for professionals.

Devsecops: Security at speed of development

Devsecops merged artificial intelligence into cybersecurity, cloud security and workflow. Devsecops guarantees that the safety be integrated at each stage of the software development cycle instead of being a subsequent idea. As a recipient of the Microsoft Award and Best winner of a 2016 consultant award, I saw the organizations struggling with security bottlenecks. Devsecops that work from artificial intelligence removes these barriers on the roads, allowing companies to maintain speed and safety.

Amnesty International’s threat and incident response

Source: DatascienceDojoSource: DatascienceDojo

Amnesty International is intelligence forces to detect electronic breakthroughs. Artificial intelligence models use machine learning to analyze patterns and detection of anomalies. With machine learning, artificial intelligence predicts threats and accidents.

In my league, I worked with artificial intelligence in security systems that discover threats and respond faster than traditional methods. This discovery helped security teams to be pre -emptive and discover the root cause of issues quickly. Microsoft’s threat intelligence system detects, reduces breakthroughs, provides alerts, and log in.

Future: A continuous battle

As a member of the Editorial Board in ESP – The International Journal of Affairs of Combat Technology and a Big IEE member, I had the opportunity to search and analyze the progress of artificial intelligence in security. Success in cybersecurity depends on a group of AI, Zero Trust Architecture, IAM, Devsecops Automation, and skilled professionals.

The Internet criminals constantly change the tactics, and cyber security professionals must stay in the forefront in improved security strategies of artificial intelligence. One thing is certain, AI Arms race in cybersecurity has not yet ended. However, with artificial intelligence, there is a 75 % chance to stay at the forefront of Internet criminals.

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