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A tragic moment in the afflicted elephant in the elephant Magda is trying to awaken her 25 -year -old boyfriend in an extraordinary offer of emotion

This is the tragic moment when the circus elephant tries to wake up her dead boyfriend after she suddenly collapsed and died.

Magda and Jenny have long been partners, and they were inseparable for more than a quarter of a century.


The circus Magda (right) tried to wake up Jenny (left) after she suddenly collapsed and diedCredit: East2West
The circus performance is divided between the two villas.


Magda and Jenny have made each other for 25 yearsCredit: East2West
Elephant sadness over the deceased comrade.


The moment the heart was taken on the videoCredit: East2West

The heart footage shows Magda trying to awaken Jenny and raise them on her feet.

Baza news reported that the elephant, who was clearly withheld, was later seen as he wandered around her dead boyfriend with her trunk.

Magda stayed with Jenny for several hours after her death, as her final farewell said.

The afflicted animal did not allow sadness of veterinarians to approach her as she was thinking about the body of her friend.

Indian elephants retired four years ago after entertaining the crowds for years.

The elephants had led in Kazan for several decades, but it retired after two incidents in March 2021.

Initially, the giants suddenly started fighting in the middle of the road with a width, causing children and parents to flee terror.

The quarrel began when Jenny touched Magda and Dhatta for her as she was stubborn through the edge of the ring near the terrible crowd.

“Perhaps in the pursuit of the coach’s attention, what happened was a manifestation of the companion of love – jealousy,” said circus actor.

But after only one week, the elephants attacked Edward Shichinbekov, 29, and was sent by flights.

The most lonely elephant in the world was held alone on a small island for two years, where he was looking for official friends looking for friends

Shichinicovs suffered two fractures in the spine, the broken ribs and the cut lung.

As a result, their long -term width was suddenly canceled.

“I can’t imagine how the elephants prevent thunder to the audience if they want it,” said Casan Charel Charvolin’s circus manager.

He said that this time the elephant’s husband was in a conflict and the coach was the unfortunate victim.

After Jenny and Majida, he was unprecedented in the fighting again, according to what was always stuck.

The couple was also known, sometimes, to remember some old circus offers.

Elephants are among the most emotional intelligent animals, known as the display of behavior that indicates mourning and memory.

Can animals feel lonely?

Written by Lydia Dawi

  • Animals, like humans, need social interaction and companionship.
  • When isolated animals can experience stress in the same way that humans feel lonely or depression.
  • Animals can also develop separation anxiety, when they are separated from their comrades.
  • The only animals may have a lower energy than usual and show low interest in activities.

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